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"Dang it Joseph!" Donald said as he kicked their son's football gear. "Crap, sorry dad." Joseph said, picking up the bag. Joseph gave him a sheepish smile before taking it to his room. "I told him to move it but he was too busy stuffing his big mouth." Annabelle sighed from the kitchen island. She muttered as she tried to get the battery in her hearing aid.

Donald took it from her and changed the batteries with ease, "Don't force it." She smiled and put it in, "Thanks dad." He kissed her forehead. Then they heard their youngest come running up their stairs with Alexander following him. "Careful Zeke." Zeke was a bouncing ball of energy.

"I wanna hang it on the fridge!" Zeke said excitedly. He ran to the fridge with his paper and hung it on the fridge. "It's a rainbow!" He yelled happily. He had that right, but the colors were out of order because he was colorblind. "It's pretty." Annabelle told him, smiling.

After they got married they adopted Joseph. He and his parents had been in a wreck when he was three. He lost his right arm from the elbow down, but it doesn't stop him from playing football or any other sport. Annabelle was adopted two years later when her parents dropped her off, declaring she was broken because she needed hearing aids. Last was Zeke who they adopted six months ago.

"Where is Keith?" Alexander asked Donald as he placed a kiss on his cheek. "He had a meeting over some new design." Donald said. After the mall was built, Keith's career took off. He was receiving calls left and right that he was able to tell Mr. Holsing to suck it. He was successful as a personal business of just him. He's made millions over the years, and instead of living in a mansion, he lives in a castle in a strip of stores on a street where he and his family live above a bookstore.

Alexander nodded, "He better not be late." Annabelle raised an eyebrow, "Can we finally know what's going on tonight? You've been hiding it from him for weeks now while also keeping us in the dark." Alexander sighed, "Well as you know, your dad and Aunt Chloe recently had their birthday. Your uncles and Sabrina are throwing them a surprise party."

Annabelle laughed, "You can't be serious. Dad will run." Donald nodded in agreement, "They apparently have a plan to make him enjoy it, but we will see when we get there." "What does dad think it is?" Joseph asked them. "A simple dinner reservation." Alexander answered.

Poor dad, Annabelle thought. Alexander picked Zeke up, "Let's get you ready little man."

When Keith had gotten home Donald shoved him into the room, declaring he get dressed in the outfit on the bed. Keith didn't protest on the clothes but he wondered why they seemed so jumpy with goofy smiles. Once Keith was ready and everyone downstairs, Alexander tied a blindfold around his eyes. "Are you sure this is smart? I'm not as coordinated as Donnie." Keith said feeling uneasy. Knowing his luck, he'll fall and bust his face.

"Don't worry, where we're going isn't far." Alexander assured him. The drive was twenty minutes long and when they got there Nikolia was helping a blindfolded Chloe out of their car while Sabel got their kids. Annabelle, Joseph, and Zeke followed them quietly so they could go find a place to hide. Nikolia gave Alexander and Donald a smirk. This was going to be interesting.

Once the blindfold was gone, Keith was greeted with a dark room. Before he could ask, the lights cut on. "SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled jumping out. Keith jumped, shocked, hand to his chest as his heart hammered into his ribs. Chloe squealed in delight. Alexander and Donald chuckled at Keith. Their hands kept Keith from running. "This is your party. Enjoy it." Alexander said before kissing his cheek.

Keith's brothers then grabbed him and he was lost in the sea of his family. Alexander wrapped an arm around Donald's waist. Donald smiled and looked up at him. Alexander placed a soft kiss on his lips. Suddenly their kids were hugging them.

Keith looked at his family and smiled. They went through and came out victorious. Now they would forever enjoy their reward.

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