Chapter 10

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Sabrina hit Sabel, "Thanks for the heads up." She hissed. Everyone was scared. They haven't made their parents this mad since they took the car for a joy ride their senior year in highschool. "We're grown and we're going to be grounded. Are you serious?" Chloe mumbled. Even Alexander was tense and nervous about what was going to happen.

He held Donald's and Keith's hands. Abel, Bradley, and Xavier came in. "Who spilled?" Abel muttered. "Francis told them about James getting arrested and about some of what happened. They ganged up on us at the store." Sabel told him. Danteous had called Abel, Xavier, and Bradley to come as well. They were their kids just as much as the others.

"I don't even know why Quincy, Danny, Becca, and Nikolia have to be here." Eliot said. "They weren't apart of it." "It's because we knew and didn't tell them." Quincy answered. It made sense. They all fell into silence, waiting quietly for their parents to show up. Cole came in carrying a bucket, he put it on the table, "Electronics and keys."

No one protested as they did what they were told. Cole took the bucket to Danteous' office. "It's highschool all over." Sabrina said while slouching. "Back in highschool, Keith never got into trouble." Chloe reminded her. "This is the first time we're all in trouble."

"You make it sound as if this is my fault." Keith muttered. "You know I didn't mean it that way." Chloe sighed. 

"Keith." His mother said from the doorway. Keith followed her nervously to his father's office. Everyone stayed silent to be able to hear if there was any yelling.

"Sit." Danteous said pointing to the chair in front of his desk. Keith sat down, his feet firmly planted on the floor, hands folded in his lap. "How long was James abusive?" He asked him. "He only hit me the once. I left immediately after it happened." Keith told him. Danteous nodded, "Where did you go?" "Here. Sabel and Nicole were here. They had called Eliot, Sabrina, Micha, and Chloe letting them know what happened." He replied. "How does Abel, Bradley, and Xavier fall into this?" Cole asked him. "Micha, Eliot, Sabel, and I had left the girls here so we could go get fitted for our tuxes for Eliot's wedding. James showed up and things got ugly. Abel declared we'd be staying at his house and he had called Alexander to have a protection detail around his house. Micha was the one who paid to have the damages fixed so you wouldn't know." Keith replied to them, feeling a little better now that this was coming off his chest. "James had joined the Lions at the same time they had started targeting Sabel's bar. James had found where we were staying and told their leader. The shoot out was why Abel bought a new house." "Was anyone hurt during the shoot out?" Viviana asked him. "No ma'am." Keith answered. "Who's idea was it to keep it from us?" Danteous asked him. "It was a group decision." Keith told him. "Did Becca, Nikolia, Quincy, Danny, or Donald offer the idea for you to tell us?" Cole asked him. "Not that I know of." Keith told him.

Danteous nodded, "Go wait with the others." Keith got out to their quickly. "Interrogation?" Sabel asked him. Keith only nodded as he sat down. Keith was getting a headache from straining his eyes because he had nothing to help him see with. They then heard Danteous approaching, the tap of his cane on the floor sounding like the count down clock in the Hunger Games before panic set in.

He stood in the doorway of the livingroom. "For the next week, you are all grounded. No sex, all in separate rooms away from your significant others, no electronics, no car, no junk food." He told them. He showed them the room listing. Keith would be sharing his room with Bradley and Nikolia. Nicole and Alison were with Chloe. Sabrina was sharing with Becca. Micha was sharing with Donald, Xavier, and Abel. Eliot would be sharing with Quincy and Alexander. Sabel was with Danny.

"Any questions?" Danteous asked them. "I have one." Alexander told him. "Donald is currently going through a punishment and it was supposed to end tomorrow. Will I be allowed to remove it?" "Depends, the punishment?" Danteous asked him. "Wearing a chasity belt for foul language." Alexander told him. Danteous nodded, "You may."

"Now then dinner should be almost done. After you finish eating you'll go to bed." With that Danteous left the room. "There will be more to it so be prepared." Eliot warned those who didn't grow up in the Bishop household. Viviana came in, "Come on Donald, let's get you familiar with the layout of the house." Alexander helped him maneuver through the livingroom before passing him off to Viviana.

While they were waiting for dinner to finish they all went to their assigned rooms to put their stuff up. There was a blow up matress in each other their rooms. "Since you two are smaller, you'll fit on the bed." Nikolia said while placing his bag down. Keith and Bradley didn't protest because it was true. They were both skinny while Nikolia had a good amount of muscle on him. "So how did it feel finally getting James behind bars?" Bradley asked Keith.

Keith gave a soft smile, "Felt great." They chuckled softly. "Dinner is ready." Cole yelled out. They all sat around the table quietly eating. It was still tense. "After dinner, Sabrina and Sabel will do the dishes." Danteous said. "And I don't want to hear you two fighting." "Yes sir." They muttered.

Viviana shared a small smile with her husbands. Oh how she missed times like this. It wasn't often they had their kids under the same roof besides on holidays. The only good thing that came out of this was that at least they had each other's back and hopefully made them stronger.

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