2: I Wouldn't Mind Being Closer

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I woke up, my head pounding. It had been a long night. After the shoot, I stayed up for hours editing to get the photos and video published by morning. I got out of bed and into the kitchen to make coffee and eat something. Connor and his fiancé, Natalie were already awake and ready for the day. "Well good morning Oak" Connor said, "or should I say good afternoon." I looked at the clock it was 12:30. "What it cannot be that late" I said pouring coffee into my mug. "Believe it girl, how was last night" Natalie asked. "Super fun the shoot went well" I replied. "Oh yeah speaking of Oak" Connor started. "Oh no" I said. "Well Natalie and I have a doctors appointment" he said. "Wait for what" I asked taking a bite of my apple. "Well Oak" Natalie said, "we're pregnant. My jaw dropped. "What" I yelled, "are you serious?" She nodded. I engulfed them both  in a huge hug. "Oh my gosh congratulations" I said. Natalie and I were jumping and squealing. "Ok girls" Con said settling us down, "but anyways Oak, pretty much wanted to book another video shoot for today. But it's at the same time as the appointment. Think you could take that?" "Of course" I said. "Thanks Oak you're a life saver" Con said. 

After breakfast and the good news, I showered and changed into some black shorts, a black band tee layered over a striped shirt, and a black beanie just because I didn't have enough black. I let my hair air dry and threw on my white converse. I drove down to the house of the pretty much boys and knocked on the door. Zion answered. "Oh hey" he said laughing a bit. "What's up" I said. He smiled and stood there looking at me for a second. "Oh um come in" he said. "Thank you" I laughed. The rest of the boys were in the living room watching tv. "Guys, Oakley's here" Zion said. Their heads all turned to me. "Hey" they all said in unison. "Hey guys sorry Con couldn't make it today so it's just me" I said. "Fine by me" Austin  said. All the boys looked at him, Zion laughed. My cheeks started heating up. "Alright well cool" I said, "should we get started?" They nodded. "Sick I was thinking of where to film this since it's just an interview and I thought this really cool spot just like five minutes would be cool" I said. "Sounds dope" Brandon said. "Cool, you guys can just hop in my car and let's go" I said. "Shotgunnnn"Brandon yelled running outside. "Hell  no" Edwin said running after him. "Guys I get shotgun obviously" Austin said and hopped through the drivers seat to the passenger. I laughed. "Nice going" I said looking at him. "Anything to be closest to the cutest one in the car" he said. 

On the drive there we were jamming out to their songs. Pretty good actually. When we got to the rooftop I put mics on them and fixed their hair, clothes, etc. "Oakley this is awesome" Brandon said. "Brandon has a weird vibe for roofs" Edwin said. "Nothing against that" I laughed. 

We started the interview. They answered a few questions from the fans, sang their song "Summer On You" and played truth or dare. The person to end it was Austin. He picked truth. The question was "Have you ever had a summer fling?" He said, "nah but I'm hoping to this summer." "Oooh" the boys said. "With who" Zion asked, hugging Austin. "Let's jusy say they're closer than you think" he replied looking at me. My heart froze and my stomach filled up with butterflies. He was still looking at me as Nick ended the video. I snapped back into reality. "Alright nice guys that was perfect" I said. "Can we stay for just a bit longer the sun is about to set" Brandon asked in a weird voice. "Yeah course" I said. The boys all ran to the edge of the roof. I stayed back on the other side looking over the footage. I felt someone sit beside me, I looked over to see Austin. I immediately smiled. "What's up" I said setting my camera down. "This view is amazing" he said. "I know right, the first time I was up here was the first time I ever filmed with Connor so it's a pretty cool spot for me" I said. "It's sick" he said, "I have one of those places back in North Carolina." "Really, you'll have to show me some day" I said looking out at the cotton candy skies and LA lights. "It'd be a dream" he said. I smiled at him. He moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. I put my head on his shoulder. Damn. This was real. 

A/N: Hope you guys liked it!!! Austin and Oakley would be soooo cute. Also if you're wondering I picture Oakley with tan skin, long brown hair, and green eyes. But you decide for yourself! :) 

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