~His Heartbeat~

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*James P. O. V.*

I woke up with a massive headache, I looked around and saw a girl with long black hair. She had a half down half up hairdo with a baby blue bow in the back. She had a nurse outfit.

She was arranging something on the desk. Then she turned around and ran over to me.

"Hi I'm Eliza your nurse."
She beamed.

I frantically looked around the room for a pen or paper. I didn't want to be rude so I tried to speak. It didn't work, well I haven't spoken in years so it would make sense.

She gave me a reassuring look.

"It's alright I know you're mute that's why they picked me to be your nurse. I know ASL."
She said.

I felt like weight lifted off my shoulders.

'Thank goodness I don't think I can write right now.'
I signed to her.

She nodded her head.

'By the way... How do you know I'm mute?'
I asked.

"Your friend ummm what's his name... Jericho- NO John! Yeah John told me you were mute."
Eliza said nervously.

I was quite confused you would forget a name that is so easy to remember. But then I remembered she's a nurse and works with a lot of people. Resulting to a lot of names.

I examined the room. It was quite bland but what do you expect in a hospital. I was hooked up in some machines and had a new change of clothing.

'How did this happen? Why am I here?'
I signed to Eliza.

"Well you got knocked out and you were bleeding on your arms, legs, stomach and face."
Eliza finished and walked over to the side of the hospital bed.

"So are you feeling okay?"
She questioned me.

'I have a horrible headache and I feel numb everywhere else.'
I signed.

Right after I finished telling how I felt. John came rushing in the door.

John legit screamed.

I was a bit straddled and just stared at him with shock.

"Oh um sorry I mean are you okay?"
John said nervously.

"He's doing fine John no pressure."
Eliza smiled at him.

John pulled out a chair and sat beside me.

"You were out cold for a day and I was really worried."
John explained.

'I was out for that long?'
I questioned.

John said.

"I'll be right back I'm gonna go get James' food."
Eliza informed.

John and I nodded.

'I was supposed to have work yesterday who covered in for me?'
I asked John.

John immediately turned bright red. I already knew the answer. Alexander HamiltonnnnNn.

"It was Le-Alexander."
John stopped midway in his sentence and avoided my eyes.

"Anyway enough about that stuff." John's voice became serious. "What happened with your dad back there?" John finished now looking at my eyes immensely.

'My dad isn't a good person.'
That's all I signed to him.

John nodded and like magic Eliza came in with a tray of food. Gross looking food. Eliza put the tray on my lap and gestured me to eat it. I looked up at her giving her the boi-you-expect-me-to-eat-dat?

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