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*Thomas's P. O. V.*

"I have an idea."
I said to James bluntly.

James let go of the comforting embrace.

'What's the idea?'
James signed.

"I'll donate."


*James P. O. V.*

"I'll donate."

Was the only words that were in my mind completely drowning all the other insecurities and self- pity. The idea of Thomas possibly dying because of me is beyond reckless.

It's the same feeling when I try to protect my sister.

I sign to Thomas.

"James, I don't want to live my life knowing I wasn't able to help you."
Thomas told James with caring eyes.

I looked back and the only response that my body could do was cry.

"Shh Jem it's okay, I'll be here for you okay? Don't worry about anything."
Thomas said as he held the two cheeks of mine.

"I don't want you to do this. You're gonna risk your life."
I signed to him, my hands already wishing it never was used at that moment.

"I need to."
His voice was laced in truths and overwhelming care.

I couldn't stand it. The true eyes Thomas has. The amount of emotion it held. It was all too surreal. Has his eyes always been able to see his heart?

"I'm not worthy for you."
Is all I could sign.

"Hey, don't say that."
Thomas said softly.

I just looked down in shame, has it just occurred to me how beautiful someone can interpret the meaning of care?

Thomas pats my failing lung.

I stare at him with confusion.

"I'm gonna help you. Not just helping you by the lung, but for you to love yourself. I'll help you to breathe better and make your heart beats last longer."
Thomas whispered.

"So please."
Thomas voice had a sickening break to it. One that made my eyes sting more than it already had.

"Okay, but don't go and leave me."
Is what my hands signed to him.


*3rd person P. O. V.*

It was the day, the day of the surgery. All the nurses and doctors were prepared for this hectic and problematic situation. Thomas was more than prepared and ready to lose it all for him.

Thomas knew deep down that if he did die at least he died knowing he saved him.

James on the other hand was a mess. He was incredibly guilty and wanted to reverse time so he could convince Thomas not to do this. But time isn't so nice to him is it?

They rolled them into the surgery room, saying words that only people who studied medicine for years would understand. James looked to the side to see that Thomas was already looking at him.

Thomas held out a pinky finger with a weak smile. James didn't even have to know what he had to say, for Thomas's eyes were already saying the words.

James pinky finger held Thomas's.

That was all James remembered as his eyes were met with darkness.


James eyes opened. He was met with some doctors and nurses. He saw Eliza, Maria and Nelly. James couldn't believe it, it was her little sister.

~Without You~  •Jeffmads Fanfic• √Where stories live. Discover now