A Demon's Angel

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Prompt suggested by Adrianfelix30


A fire had broke out in the tower during the night as they all were sleeping. Nobody knew how it started, but they all knew they had to get out. It had spreader farther than they could put out.

"Is everyone okay?" Koriand'r asked once they all got outside.

Garfield and Jaime both answered with a "yes" while Damian searched around them. Raven wasn't here. She was still inside the burning tower.

Ignoring the rest of the teams concerned screams, Damian followed Titus back into the burning tower and frantically scanned everywhere for the girl.

"Raven!" Damian called, hoping for an answer. Boards came crashing down around him as the flames spread. Titus just barked at him, urging him to follow. "Go find her, boy."

Titus led him down the hallway where their bedrooms were located. The faint sound of coughing caught his ears and he instantly rushed over to the source. Raven had been trapped in her room by a pile of burning debris that fell from the ceiling. Using his strength, he pushed the debris out from her door, ignoring the immense pain from the burning heat.

Once it was clear, he busted the door down and scanned the room for her. He found her collapsed on the ground. "Raven!"

"Damian...?" she managed, opening her burning eyes to look up at the boy as he began to pick her up.

"I've got you." he assured her, using his energy to pick her up bridal style. Once she was settled, he instantly looked for the nearest exit.

The only place that wasn't covered by flames was the window on the bottom floor. Boards crashed down beside them as he ran towards it, preparing himself for the impact.

Raven gazed at him, her mind half delusional from the lack of oxygen she was receiving. It was like she was looking at an angel, she thought. Of course she knew this wasn't true, she knew he was partly demon by blood, just like her. Even then, she couldn't help but picture an angel carrying her.

Damian used as much of his body as physically possible to shield Raven from the glass as it shattered around them, cutting him up in several places.

Once they got outside, Damian collapsed onto the cool grass as far away from the burning building as possible. Raven fell beside him, finally getting a breath of fresh air.

Raven's brain finally got enough oxygen and she came to her senses, using her hands to prop herself up. Her ability to heal also played a factor in her quick recovery.

"Damian..." she gasped and looked beside her at Titus, who was whining as he nudged his other owner. Damian was lying on his back, gasping for air. He had ash all over his tanned skin as well as cuts and burns. Those would surely add onto the list of scars he already had. His used to be plain white t-shirt was now ripped to shreds and covered in blood stains.

Without hesitation, Raven moved to place her hands gently on Damian's head and casted a healing spell. She knew that his life was draining by the second. However, this spell did not work. Raven didn't have enough energy in her to complete it.

"No..." she repeated. "No no no..."

Raven could feel all of her emotions building up and tears forming in her eyes. Why couldn't she heal him? She scolded herself, slamming her fists angrily into the grass. "Damn it!"

Silent tears rolled down her pale cheeks as she desperately attempted to cast more spells, hoping and praying for one, just one to work. If she could just use what's left of her energy to heal him, he would live.

"Please, just hold on a little longer..." Raven pleaded, now cradling his weak body in her arms.

Raven squeezed her eyes shut, letting more tears fall as she whispered another spell under her breath. Suddenly, she could feel her energy draining and her consciousness fading.


Damian woke up to the sight of white walls and the feeling of cold air. He was in a hospital.

He looked down to see IVs stuck in his arms as well as bandages on his wounds. Surprisingly, there were flowers and balloons on the counter, which he assumed were from Grayson, his eldest brother. But what surprised him even more was the black haired girl who was sitting in the chair next to his hospital bed, fast asleep with her head lying atop her arms, which were resting on the open space beside him. When she felt him stir, she began to wake up.

"You're awake." Raven spoke, lifting her head up to look at him.

"Yeah." Damian replied.

They were silent for a moment before Raven found her words. "Thank you for saving me."

"It was nothing." Damian assured. Raven however didn't believe this.

"It was not nothing, you risked your life for me!" she snapped.

Damian's eyes widened a bit, surprised by her sudden outburst. "Hey... don't worry about it. You saved me too."

His words calmed all of her emotions a bit. "It was the least I could do." was all she said before they went silent again.

Damian decided to ask another question. "Where's the rest of the team?"

"Garfield is staying with Jaime's family while Kori will be staying with Dick. Your father and butler picked up Titus when he came to visit you here." Raven answered.

"Who are you staying with?" he asked.

"Kori and Dick." she answered and let out a sigh. "That's gonna be awkward."

The two of them shared a small laugh.

"Well, if you get annoyed you can always come to the manor." Damian decided to offer. He never really minded her company, even if he acted like he did. "Or I can pay a visit, Titus wouldn't like being away from you that long..."

"Thanks." Raven smiled and let out a sigh and stood up from her chair. "I should probably head there now, I've been here since you checked it."

"How long was I out?" he decided to ask, watching as she walked towards the door.

"Three days." she replied and turned around to look at him.

Damian's eyes widened at her answer. She had been here the whole time.

"Anyways, I'll see you later. Get some rest." was all Raven said before leaving.

Damian just laid his head back down on his pillow, closing his eyes. A smile was just barely visible on his lips.

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