Apprentice (2/3)

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After tailing behind Titus for what seemed like a mile, Raven finally came to what looked like a secret hideout. It was located in the middle of the forest disguised as an enormous rock.

"Shh..." Raven whispered to her pet and scratched behind his ear. "Good boy. Now stay here."

Raven leaned against the door and used her powers to see through the walls, trying to find Damian. Once she spotted him, she quickly brought herself back and took a deep breath. She could already feel her powers draining her energy but she didn't care. She was getting him back no matter what.

Raven easily broke the lock off the door with her abilities and quietly entered the mysterious building. She was good at being stealthy, so making her way to him without being noticed would be easy.

Quietly she made her way down a long flight of stairs, coming to what seemed to be a lair. She could easily hear Deathstroke's uncomfortably smooth voice praising Damian.

"Hmm... It seems we have company," Deathstroke spoke up, sensing the girl's presence. Raven just stopped in her tracks at the sight of Damian in front of the man, pondering her next move. Damian wore a surprised expression on his face while Deathstroke looked unimpressed.

"Why are you here?!" Damian asked with concern evident in his voice.

"I'm here to save you from... him," Raven replied, glaring at Deathstroke.

Deathstroke laughed. "Your precious Damian is already lost. There is no hope of saving him." He then turned to Damian, "Dispose of her, will you?" Deathstroke asked Damian, turning his back to the both of them.

"No! You promised I wouldn't have to hurt her anymore!" Damian argued back.

Deathstroke looked over his shoulder. "Are you refusing me?" he asked Damian, sounding more sinister than before. "Don't make me do this myself, boy."

Damian gave Raven a pleaful face. "Please run, he'll kill you."

"I'm not running," Raven replied, "I'm going to defeat him, whether you're in my way or not."

Deathstroke gave another laugh. "Such determination. Though, meaningless in the end," he said coldly.

Raven's hands glowed with a dark energy. "You'll be eating your words when you're dead!" She yelled back at him swiping her arms. A heavy piece of machinery slammed into Deathstroke's side. He braced himself before impact to be knocked onto the ground. Raven smiled at his defeat.

Raven's smile quickly turned to fear. "I hope that's not all that you've got," she heard Deathstroke say from the ground. He got to his feet and continued his gradual pursuit towards her. One might have assumed there was a smile under his mask with how his one eye glared at her.

Raven lifted her hands above her head and surrounded them with black energy. A large rock and another piece of machinery lifted into the air with with her hands. "I will not let you take him from me!" She shouted, then threw both hands forward. The rock and machine flew at Deathstroke. Deathstroke ducked under the machine then destroyed the rock with a single punch as it flew at him. He then continued to close the gap as if nothing happened.

"Raven! Just get out of here!" Damian yelled at her, his voice shaking slightly. Raven didn't hear him, she only continued to cast her spells, this time ripping the ceiling down over Deathstroke. Giant pieces of concrete fell on top of him filling the air with dust. She was sure he was caught underneath the debris.

Moments later a figure began to walk out from the cloud. Her back hit a wall walking back and he was nearly on her. She tried to cast one last spell but Deathstroke didn't give her the chance, grabbing her by the wrist. Raven tried to shake him off but his grip was too strong.

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