Switched (1/3)

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"If you could have held that force field, we would have caught that stupid genie."

Raven turned around to face Damian after hearing his outburst and sent a glare his way. "I don't tell you how to fight, so don't try to tell me how to use my powers," she fumed.

"I wouldn't have to if you would use them right!" Damian retorted, returning the glare.

The street lights around them began to flicker.

"Dude, back off," Garfield whispered to Damian.

"You know what?" Raven said, stepping another inch closer to him. "I wish you could walk in my shoes for one day just to know what it feels like having all this power."

"It can't be that hard," Damian replied and took another step forward.

Raven rolled her eyes and turned her back towards him so she could face the way Nightwing and Starfire were headed.

"Tt," Damian scoffed as he quietly followed behind them.

Both of them were completely oblivious to who could have been eavesdropping on their argument.


Sunlight peered through dark curtains, causing Damian to turn over and cover his face with his sheets. Usually, he'd get up and would head to the training room to do his daily exercise routine, but his body hardly felt like moving today. He had a splitting headache and his stomach was cramping.

"Raven? I made breakfast," Koriand'r informed from the other side of the door. Damian wore a puzzled expression as he slowly pulled the sheets back off and rolled over to face the door. His eyes widened when he took notice of the strange surroundings. He was in Raven's bedroom.

He swiftly sat up and glanced around for Raven to find an explanation, but was met with solitude. Hesitantly, he glanced down and looked in horror at the sight.

This was a female body. Not just any female body, but Raven's body.

"Hello?" Koriand'r called as she knocked on the door. "Everything okay in there?"

"U-Uh..." Damian stammered before clearing his throat. "Yeah, I'll be there in a second."

"Okay, I'll go check on Damian and Jaime then," Koriand'r said before footsteps were heard going down the hallway.

Once she was gone he threw the covers off and stood up, grimacing at the sharp pain in his stomach. Or actually, Raven's stomach. He approached a mirror and scowled at the reflection looking back at him. Was this some sick joke of hers? he wondered.

The mirror shattered abruptly in front of him and he quickly backed away, looking at the broken shards with a disturbed expression.

What worried him the most right now was the urge to urinate. The simple thought of it was dreadful.


The first thought that crossed Raven's mind when she woke up the next morning was that it was bright. Too bright. Usually her curtains blocked out all sunlight, but for some odd reason, they weren't closed.

Another thing she noted is that the menstrual cramps she was having had vanished. A pleasant surprise for her to wake up to.

After stretching underneath the covers, she finally sat up. A puzzled expression made its way to her face when she glanced down at a bare, flat chest. "What the he-"

"Damian, breakfast has been made," a voice called behind the door after knocking. It was Koriand'r.
Her eyes widened at the sight. No.

After standing up, she studied the half-naked reflection in the mirror, moving each limb carefully to prove to herself that this was really happening.
The sound of glass crashing in another room pulled her from her thoughts.

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