Chapter four

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It was a slow update because doesn't had many chapters but now I'm writing and will end it sooner than planned 🤣.

Recap: Sanskaar come with his family. Laksh feels attracted to Ragini, who is Diya.

Today the confusion will end 😱

Ragini was upstairs in her room she was holding Raksh tightly in her embrace. "Raksh Beta What is wrong with everyone. Why don't they see me. Am I invisible I mean you see me, right?. I'm your mother!".

Raksh was talking in his baby language and patting her cheek. Laksh come into the room giving Sanskaar and his family guest rooms. He was standing at the doorframe hearing her voice and the sadness in it.

Don't know what it is but one time you behave like my Ragini but you are Diya. How can I make you believe it?.

"Raksh Beta I think your Papa changed! He doesn't love me anymore. Maybe Haan he loves Swara...!". Ragini was crying holding Raksh. Who was crying with her.

Laksh couldn't hear it anymore he went to her and hold her from the back. "Ragini I don't love Swara! I have never loved Swara! I agreed to the wedding only because of the pressure of the family! They wanted a mother for Raksh! That is the only reason why I did agree to the wedding! And nothing else! Trust me!".

Ragini turns to him and cries on his chest. "You still love me! Only me!". Ragini asked him while she was crying and sniffing.

Laksh consoles her. "Haan Ragini there is only you who I love. There was never someone else neither it...!". She kisses him and he lost himself again.

Raksh was giggling looking at them. Ragini rubs her nose with his and asked him again. "Repeat it! You love me?".

Laksh hold her close he placed one hand on her back the other one on her head. He closed his eyes to see his Ragini's face in his inner view.

 He closed his eyes to see his Ragini's face in his inner view

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"Ragini I love you!".

Ragini didn't loses her grip on him. "I love you too Laksh!". She starts to kiss him again. Laksh tried to block her but the more blocked her the more she wanted it.

"I'm sorry!".

Swara turns. "It's okay now I know he doesn't love me but whoever she is!".

Sanskaar shook his head. "Not whoever she is Diya Kapoor! Trust me!".

Swara looked at him. "She doesn't love you and the way she behaves is like my sister why? I know she isn't Ragini I mean her face?".

Sanskaar nods. "You are right. Something had happened and we need to find out. Will you help me?. Listen I just want my friend back. I can't see it when she ignores me or refused to know me. I will accept everything when I can get my friend back!".

Swara nods. "I do understand. I want my sister back even if Diya remind me on her with her attire and behaviour she isn't Ragini! She said she was in coma for 6 months!".

Sanskaar nods. "Yes, it's the same timing when Diya got missing, we need to find out in which hospital she was admitted!".

Swara agreed to Sanskaar but how will they get to know...?

Ragini was trying to seduce Laksh she continuously kisses his neck. "Laksh please show me how much you love me!".

Laksh has pulled her close. He had problems to resist her as she was doing all the stuff his Ragini would do.

She took off her top and placed Raksh back in his cradle. "Ragini?".

Ragini looked Raksh. "Beta close your eyes! Don't look!". She rushes back to Laksh and sat on his lap. She encircled her legs around him and pulls him down to her.

Laksh kisses her she removes his shirt but as soon as their body touched he stopped looking into her innocent face.

No Laksh don't do that! She isn't your wife she belongs to someone else! Remember he is here!. Sanskaar Kapoor....

Laksh took his shirt and made Ragini wear it from the front. Ragini pouts. "I know you love my back. Okay kisses on my back you know where!". She said in a seducing way.

Laksh gulps and nods at the same time. There was a spot on her lower back on the waistline. He kisses her and she moans. "Laksh!".

Laksh closed his eyes. "Ragini do you know why I'm hesitating to touch you?".

Ragini shook her head. "No, but you love me that is all I need to know!".

Laksh turns her. "Ragini I want you to come with me for a check up. Since you comeback you haven't visited a doctor please we can go to the hospital you woke up?".

Ragini thought there was a strange feeling inside her. "Haan hospital sounds good. The someone I woke up, right?".

Laksh nods. "You are scared of the other doctor I brought. But the hospital it's easy for you, as you stayed there for 6 months, right?".

Ragini nods. "Haan Laksh absolutely right I have no problems to meet the doctor of the hospital. Why didn't you come up with the idea earlier! Idiot!".

She made him lie on the bed and lied over him and fall asleep. She cuddles with him and Laksh looked at her. Soon I will have my Ragini back.

The next morning

RagLak and Raksh were travelling to the hospital.

"Ragini that hospital isn't here in Calcutta?". Laksh looked at her.

Ragini thought. "No, When I wanted to return it took me a day with the bus!".

Laksh nods. They drove down the highway to the next city Pune. (Guys I hope it's right! I have no idea of the city's of India I hardly know the one of Pakistan 🤣🤣).

Laksh drove further and Ragini shouts. "Stop Laksh here that is the hospital!". She felt relieve as if she come back to the right place.

Laksh parked the car and Ragini took Raksh in her arms. "My Son soon Mama will get checked up and then Papa will love me again!". She was kissing his cheek.

Raksh was happy and clapping in his hands. Laksh talked to the nurse and called for the same doctor who had looked after Ragini, while she was in coma.

The doctor come and asked them to follow him into his cabin. RagLak follows him but Raksh found his own way. (He is one year old and can walk).

Laksh was looking at the doctor. "I need to know what had happened the day when she was admitted!".

The doctor nods. "Sure it was...?".

"Raksh?!". Ragini starts to shout his name and Laksh stood up. Both checked the cabin of the doctor but Raksh was missing.

The doctor too looked for him. They went to each room and then Laksh saw Raksh going into a patients room. "Raksh?".

Ragini and the doctor follows him.

Laksh was numb. His wife Ragini was lying on the bed unconscious...


Diya come in and saw the face...

"Aaahh". Her head was spinning and she falls unconscious.

Laksh hold her on time before she could hit the ground.


Ya ya why I ended here🤣😝

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Who is She? - RagLak / DiLak(slow update)Where stories live. Discover now