6 - Nightmares in Grimmauld Place

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Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place was much different than how Harry had seen it before.

For one, it was completely deserted. Having been there with all the Weasleys during his previous summer holidays, it was plunged in a very different atmosphere now. It appeared more foreboding than ever and Harry was grateful when Lupin came by late in the morning just to see another friendly face around.

Lupin had been in St. Mungo's visiting Tonks and he assured them that she would be fine within a couple of days. Harry belatedly remembered that he was staying with Sirius and was quite happy to know there was at least someone who had kept Sirius company, when he had been in Hogwarts.

Lupin had given them a clear idea of what had happened when the Ministry had caught hold of the captured Death Eaters. He had been horrified to hear that Sirius had been spotted and was to be produced for a trial. The morning Daily Prophet gave them more insight on that matter.

The first half of the page displayed the Ministry's statement early in the morning about the Death Eaters and Voldemort infiltrating the Ministry. It had also mentioned rumours of Harry and his friends having been spotted in the Ministry. The bottom half was of Sirius who had been seen helping Harry up and also the impending trial and some rather wild speculations about what Sirius Black was doing with Harry.

Harry and Lupin were eating their breakfast that they had prepared when Sirius spotted Kreacher, whom he promptly kicked as soon as he laid his eyes on him. Sirius had yelled a lot and was almost dishing out brutal punishment when Lupin had stepped in. It wouldn't help to treat Kreacher badly - that was the main reason he had left Grimmauld Place. Even though Harry himself hated Kreacher for what he had done, he tried to put himself in Kreacher's shoes after Lupin's advice. Kreacher had just wanted a master that would care for him. Harry could understand that albeit grudgingly.

Lupin had then wriggled out a promise from Sirius that he would treat Kreacher civilly. Both Sirius and Kreacher had stared at each other for a whole minute with utter loathing. Kreacher had then bustled off to the kitchen, muttering obscenities under his breath.

After breakfast, all three of them had retired for a long overdue nap. They had all forsaken sleep the night before and meant to catch up on it. Harry was so tired that he had slipped into a dreamless sleep without even changing into his pyjamas. It was late afternoon when Harry woke up to find the gas lamps lit up along the dark corridors.

He took a quick shower and changed his clothes before heading down. He was surprised to see Moody and Kingsley Shacklebolt chatting along with Sirius and Lupin in the dining area. Harry wondered if they were discussing Order related stuff and lingered uncertainly near the doorway when Sirius looked up at him and gestured for him to come in.

Lupin passed him a butterbeer and Harry felt Moody's eye on him, but they continued talking about the Ministry and their plans. Harry was grateful that they didn't ask him what had happened and was content to simply listen to them talk, sipping his butterbeer.


After a late dinner, Harry had retired to the room he and Ron had shared. He was not sleepy at all since he had slept in the afternoon and thus decided to write to Ron and Hermione. He pulled out a roll of parchment and quills from his trunk and sat on the desk, thinking. After about a quarter of an hour, he had his finished letter in hand which read:

Dear Ron and Hermione,

I hope you are doing well as you were both asleep when I came to visit early in the morning. I am so sorry about that night- I should have listened to you, Hermione, when you said it might be a trap. All I can say is I'm thankful we all made it out alive. I'm sure you know by now that Snuffles is getting a trial by the middle of this week. I'm all he's got and I wanted to stay with him for support. Professor Dumbledore has given me permission, so I left last morning.

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