39 - Unexpected Conversations

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Sunday, January 5

When the train had departed and Sirius and the Weasleys disappeared from sight, Harry and Ron found seats together in an empty compartment where Harry finally got the opportunity to tell Ron about Malfoy and Snape. Ron was appropriately astonished and chagrined when Harry felt vindicated in saying that he had been right all along about Malfoy being a Death Eater. Though Ron also shared the same concerns as Sirius, Harry was glad when Ron said he believed him.

The two spent a while playing Exploding Snap while snacking on pumpkin pasties and Harry was wondering why Hermione hadn't found them in the compartment yet, though he had definitely seen her on the platform.

His musing was interrupted as the door opened to reveal a scowling Parvati. Ron looked at Harry with a smirk, but Harry felt like groaning – he could already tell he would not enjoy this conversation.

"I want to have a word with you," she said coldly and Harry nodded before following her out. The corridor was not empty, so she gestured to the farthest end which was secluded enough.

Harry braced himself as she turned towards him, arms crossed. "What the bloody hell were you thinking, Potter?"

It felt weird hearing her call him by his surname, making Harry assume that she was genuinely angry.

"Er—what do you mean?" said Harry tentatively. His sense of dreams and reality was muddled enough that he did not want to admit to something that he was not sure had happened.

"Don't you remember what happened at Slughorn's party?"

"We—danced?" ventured Harry doubtfully.

She looked around herself, making sure that there were no eavesdroppers before she hissed, "We snogged!"

Harry groaned, equal parts appalled and embarrassed. "That was real? I was pretty sure I had been dreaming!"

She looked furious now. "You don't even remember?"

"I'm terribly sorry!" said Harry, wondering why three-quarters of his conversation with her was always some form of apology by him. "I was a little drunk and I should not have taken advantage of you…"

"You didn't take advantage of me…" she mumbled with an annoyed expression before shaking her head. "But, the point is – I don't want you to ever mention that again to anyone, ever! Not even your friends, Ron and Hermione, alright?"

"Of course!" exclaimed Harry readily, wondering why on Earth he would even do such a thing. It was embarrassing enough that he had kissed her when he had been drunk, despite repeatedly telling Ron and Hermione that he saw her as nothing more than a friend.

"I mean it, Harry. I think we should stop pretending to fancy each other from now on," choked out Parvati, as if she was swallowing back tears.

Harry blinked. Well, he didn't remember a time when he had ever pretended to fancy her, but something sounded off in the way she was talking.

"What's wrong?" asked Harry frowning.

"It's—it's nothing," said Parvati, brushing it off, but Harry was really concerned now.

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