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What happened with Stevey?" Uncle Charlie asks.

We are gathered in the living room. Chuck is next to me. Across from him is Uncle Charlie and Aunt Loribeth. Mary Flannery and Carol Millwood are sitting next to Uncle Charlie's big television box. June Bug is there right next to me. It's none of us that are getting attention. It's Sissy, Stevey's older sister that is in the middle of the room. She's dressed in her uniform.

"What's all this about?" Aunt Loribeth asks before Sissy can answer.

Sissy is staring at the rug. It's clear something was said to Uncle Charlie. It's clear Sissy went to him. I look over at Chuck. He is damn near glaring at Sissy, something evil. I wonder if she feels it. I wonder if that's why she isn't talking.

"Sissy has a story she wants to tell about Stevey being wronged," Charlie says.

"Wronged by who?" June Bug asks, "Hope nothing happened to Stevey. The kid does a great job in the gardens."

I loved June Bug but even he sounds so ignorant at this point. It was as though Stevey's entire value to June Bug was how well he worked on the gardens. Regardless of why he was upset, I can see that June Bug crosses his arms seeming somewhat troubled by all of this.

Then there is Carol. Ms. Millwood has gone mute. She doesn't even talk. She just sits there and watches it all.

"Sissy, speak up now girl. We don't got all day," Charlie Crawford states, "You had a complaint. Speak on it."

Sissy's voice isn't much higher than a faint whisper, "Sir, I was hoping we could speak in private."

"Ain't no privacy in this house. Speak girl."

I'd seen Sissy in her own environment. She didn't come off anywhere near as shy and timid. I could tell she was uncomfortable. I knew why. I turn and see Chuck staring at her. Uncle Charlie is smoking his pipe in the house. A long trail of smoke comes out of the pipe to Aunt Loribeth's dismay. I can see her face twist up when he blows it in her face. Maybe it was the smoke that was causing it or maybe it was Sissy appearing in front of the family with her complaint.

Sissy doesn't say anything.

Chuck smiles. Seeing him smile the way that he is smiling right now sends shivers up my spine. I wish Sissy would have gone to the cops instead of coming here to Uncle Charlie's. I hated the idea of Chuck getting away with what he did.

"Ok this was pointless," Aunt Loribeth states, "Sissy, if you aren't going to talk, maybe you can put yourself to work. I need you to take a trip into town and get some lemons for my key lime pie..."

"They violated him!" I speak out.

Everyone turns to me. The entire family turns to me.

"What's that?" Uncle Charlie asks.

I look over at Chuck, "Chuck and his friends violated Stevey when he said he didn't know anything about those boys raping Carol. They put things...they put things up his ass."

"That is an entirely inappropriate thing to say in front of ladies," Aunt Loribeth states.

"And it's a goddam lie!" Chuck roars.

"Is it true Sissy?" Uncle Charlie asks.


Aunt Loribeth immediately looks at Sissy as though she had three heads, "Don't you lie on my son!"

"I'm not lying ma'am," Sissy states, "If you don't believe me, you got to believe August. That's what happened. They took it out on my brother what happened to Ms. Carol."

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