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I walk in a room. The Crawford house is quiet today. That usually means that Mr. and Mrs. Crawford was going to spend the night at the country club. I'd been around the Crawfords long enough to know what their habits were.

That is when I hear crying. It's coming from the backroom. When I walk in there I am surprised to see Sissy sitting there crying. Sissy didn't cry. Not ever. That wasn't her thing. It never was. What's even weirder is Carol with her arm over Sissy. Not too far from them, I see August. He has his arms crossed. He's just watching the two girls.
And I'm lost.
"What's happening?" I ask.

As I enter the room I see Sissy get a little uncomfortable. She shifts in her seat.

"You should sit," Sissy states.
"I don't wanna sit. Sissy, what's happening?"
There is a pause. Sissy's eyes are beaten red. The reddest I'd ever seen them before.

"They burnt down the house," Sissy states.

My mouth drops open. There is all this apprehension at the moment. I want to ask her if she's lying. I want to actually call her a liar but it would be a waste of time. Sissy's reactions speak for itself. Just at that moment, I feel August grabbing me. He's trying to comfort me. I can tell. He puts his arm around me and attempts to hold me in a way that is far too comfortable.
"Stop..." I state.
"They know," he states, "They know about us..."
I look over at Carol and Sissy. Neither of them seems confused.

"We know..." Carol confirms.

Out of all of the people hearing that Carol Millwood knew about my sexuality pissed me off. It was clear there was a conversation going on in this room before I came. It was a conversation that I knew I wasn't completely comfortable with.

August clearly said something to her. To make it worse he thinks it's OK to push up on me as though we are in private again. I push away from him even harder this time.

"What's going on?" I ask him again.

I sort of feel betrayed that he's talking to Carol Millwood of all people about us.

"They're the same," he states.
"What do you mean?"
There is a pause. No one talks. All of a sudden August with his big mouth seems to be stumbling over his words. I look over at my sister and Carol. That's when I notice it for the first time. I notice how Carol is holding my sister.

It's so weird. My sister had never been the type to like people touching her. I remember how many guys tried to get with Sissy. She never gave them the time of day. There were men who would go out of their way to get as close to Sissy as this white girl was at this moment.

And then it just hits me.
"You're a lesbian," I state under my breath.

None of it makes sense. It was enough thinking about gay men existing in our world but the fact that there were gay women just seemed so interesting as well. My sister was always tough but never really aggressive in a way that would make me think she was so different. Then I notice her holding Carol's hand confirming. She's too distraught to say anything so this white girl confirms it for her.
"We're together," Carol Millwood states.
"I didn't ask you," I respond.
There is so much anger there. She can hear it in my voice. Any other time I would have been so careful about what I said to Carol Millwood. The Millwoods were known throughout the South. They had businesses all through Birmingham.

"I know you're upset. I know you think I lied on your friends," Carol starts, "But right now I'm here trying to be supportive."
I stand there confused at what they are saying.

"Here's something I'm confused by..." I state, "Sissy, why would your girlfriend be in a bar flirting with my friends."
I dare Carol to admit she was flirting. She could get away with that lie with these white folk but there was no way in hell she would be able to lie to me. I was there. What's weird is she wasn't denying it though. What's weird is there is more silence. More awkwardness.

The Colours of August MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now