Class 1a×Fem!Reader: I promise Pt.3

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Kiya's surgery was booked for the same day of your finals, that stressed you even more. Momo told you to relax, after the day she saw you she has been supporting and watching over you more than before, making sure you were eating, drinking water and resting properly.

The competition was going to start at 8am and Kiya's surgery was going to start at 10am, her surgery lasts 5 hours, while the finals last 10 hours, with breaks and the competition itself. In the morning you woke up, took a long shower and took all your stuff, Momo picked you up and you guys made your way to the hospital where you would visit Kiya before her surgery. You walk inside the hospital and make your way over to Kiya's room where for sure where preparing her for surgery.

"Hey Kiya." "(Y/n)! How're you feeling about the finals? Are you nervous?" "It should be me asking you, I'm a little nervous but that's normal." You look at her small body and hug her tight. "Oh, I have something to show you..." Momo hands you a bag with something inside, you open it and show Kiya the costume the both of you designed together. Is a blue tight dress, with a short skirt, one sleeve is short and the other one is long, all the way down to your wrist. The short sleeved arm has some ribbons that are going to be attached to the rest of your arm, you had some thighs with some sparkles on them and your pointe shoes where painted blue with some little butterflies hanging on them. You had a headpiece you will attach to your hair which consists of a butterfly and some flowers. Now the best part of your costume was the upper part of your dress, in your left side there will be this really big butterfly wings and it will appear as if it's throwing ice and fire from them.

Kiya's eyes sparkled with happiness from the creation the both of them had created.


"Kiya, I want you to design my costume for the final." "Really?" Her little eyes sparkled with excitement, "Yes, you can put anything you want on it." "Okay, so show me what you have by now." I pass her the notebook with your sketch and she gives it back to you, she starts giving you exact details of what she wants and you start adding them to your sketch. "So, headpiece?" "OH! It can be this really cute thing with a butterfly and some flowers." "The shoes?" "If you can paint them, they should be blue and they need to have little butterflies hanging on them." You hum in response and keep sketching, "How 'bout the front of the dress what do you want?" "Hmmm... I want to make that really special... it needs to have something about you and me... I got it!" The idea left you speechless, and it seemed really dumb at first but once you sketched it, it seemed really beautiful, so you accepted it.

~End of flashback~

You connect your foreheads together and look at her in the eyes, Kiya whispers to you, "Promise me you'll win okay? Win for me, so we can dance for the first time later." "I'll win... For you. I promise." You plant a kiss on her forehead and hug her one last time before seeing her in the night after the finals. "Good luck!" "Let's hope everything goes alright, so we can dance together." "Bye (Y/n)!" "Bye Kiya!" You and Momo walk out of the hospital and she drives you to the place where the finals are going to be held.

There are 20 contestants and only 5 are going to win, you got qualified as number 13 and it's been 5 hours since the competition started, there are 2 people left for your turn. You paced around the room you were in nervously, you had warmed up and practiced your choreography a while ago, you felt so nervous because, of course you weren't sure if it was because of the final or Kiya's surgery. You grab your phone and text the first person in your messages, Kaminari.

(Y/n): How's it going there?

Kaminari: It's not as boring as I thought it was going to be.

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