Midoriya Izuku×Reader: New Year's Eve?

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I seem to be able to only write winter oneshots of Izuku and I don't know if it's because I think of him as a better person during the winter of it's the season that matches his softness. Anyways I think I'll be using they/them pronouns here cuz I felt like it, if I use anything other than those lmk so I can fix that real quick.

I bring you: cliché coffee shop/new year's au


     The breeze blew coldly, moving their scarf out of place and making them even colder. It was almost midday and (Y/n) was waiting in front of his agency for him to finally come out, Izuku was taking the rest of the day off to spend it with (Y/n), his mom and some of his friends on a coffee/tea shop Yaomomo opened almost right after graduating. A safe space for heroes who are looking to relax somewhere devoid of cameras, fans and paparazzi's.

     They hide their chin deeper onto the scarf and their hands on the pockets of their coat, it got colder during the nights but with the breeze hitting their cheeks this was just ruthless. They were wearing a green beanie Izuku had gifted them for their birthday, some black gloves, a bigger-than-them dark grey coat that was obviously not Izuku's.

     (Y/n) would have entered the agency but they were so sure Izuku was going to leave the moment the clock struck 11:50am but they were wrong. It was currently 12:20pm and Izuku was nowhere to be seen. They looked around the sidewalk, took a look inside and it almost looked empty, the young girl who usually sat at the front desk wasn't there and they were getting a little worried.

     Five minutes later, when they had a hand on the door to pull it open they heard footsteps running towards them, accompanied by a cheery voice. "Hey! (Y/n)! I'm sorry I'm late. Todoroki needed help filling some paperwork from our last mission and we lost track of time. Have you been standing here for long? Come on in while I change, mom must be waiting." He rushed over, kissed the top of their head and with a hand of the small off their back pushed them softly inside the warm agency.

     "Pfft, only thirty minutes, that's all." They answered him with a brush of their hand, Izuku gasped and hugged them, apologizing over and over again for his tardiness. "You're here now and that's all that matters, go get changed before your mom starts blowing up my phone." They both chuckled and Izuku ran up the stairs to his office.

     Less than five minutes later he was running down the hall, trying to wrap his scarf around his neck, put his beanie and his gloves all at the same time. He grabbed (Y/n)'s hand, intertwining his fingers with theirs and pulling them along. "Let's go, no time to waste! You know what? I'll give you a ride." He lifted their body from the ground as he bended his knees.

     (Y/n) gave him a warning look as he smirked. "Don't you dar-AAAAAHHH IZUKU I SWEAR!" He jumped up without letting them finish. His laugh loud against their ear as their hands held onto him for dear life. "Why are you like this?!" They asked exasperatedly.

     He smiled brightly. "Because I love you and I know you secretly enjoy when I do this!"

     The air pushed their hair in all directions, aside from holding onto him they were also holding their beanie and scarf so they wouldn't fly away and get lost.

     Izuku landed swiftly and set (Y/n) down on the ground, he grabs their hand again and walks forward to open the door to the shop, the smell of fresh pastries, coffee and tea prominent in the air.

     They wave at Yaomomo who was coming from the back at the sound of the little bell on top of the door. "Oh, guys I'm so glad you could make it. Is there anything I can bring you? Drinks? Snacks? By the way, Midoriya, your mom is in your reserved table by the corner, she's pretty excited to see you." She points to the far corner of the shop where Inko was sitting on, her back facing them.

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