Katsuki Bakugou×F!Reader: Sleepovers and confessions

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Scenario: the girls are having a sleepover on the dorm's common room(allowed by Aizawa) and the boys are trying to listen and [you can make it more interesting] by the reader getting dared to kiss Bakugou or confess and maybe R and B cuddle and are found by the rest of the class on the morning.

This is for @AkaiMeNoNeko, yo so I was thinking and as I saw this I just came up with the idea of them already secretly dating(probs only Kirishima knows cuz he's the one that helps Baku with date ideas and stuff) and I can only imagine this little shit smirking at the thought of making the girls a mess when he kisses (Y/n- OK I HAVE TO STOP BEFORE I SPOIL ANYTHING ELSE

Enjoy ;)

Quick note before you read: I put El(my oc and basically me) because I felt bad that class A has only 6 girls and the rest are boys. So now, in this oneshot there will be 8 girls! Because I say so! BOOM


   It's Friday night and this may be the first Friday night class-1A can spend wasting time and staying awake until really late playing games and watching movies without having Aizawa kick them out to their rooms before midnight. Also they don't have to worry about waking up late the next day or falling asleep during class and have lida scream at them for not having a sleep schedule.

   To celebrate the girls decided to step up their game a little and asked Aizawa if they could have a sleepover on the common room, watch some movies, play some video games they borrowed from Sero and Kaminari, and the most intriguing part about sleepovers apparently- Truth or Dare.

   (Y/n) for starters, has never been one to feel appealed to the idea of sharing a sleeping space with more than two people, but since this is her literal living space she thought why not give it a shot and try? It's not like she had anything better to do tonight so, after dinner all the girls went to their rooms, changed into their comfiest clothes or pajamas, grabbed their pillows and blankets and brought them all down to the common room. The couches were all huddled close together to form this sort of giant couch and in the middle space they threw all the pillows, blankets and stuff they brought from their rooms.

   The eight girls of class A got comfy while Momo, Mina and Hagakure finished preparing the snacks and Ochako went through the movie choices they had. Now all sitting together with the lights off and their snacks on hand they pressed play on the movie as the music from the scene started flowing into their ears.

   "What movie are we watching anyways?" (Y/n) asks and all eyes fall on her as Mina put the movie on pause as soon as the words leave her mouth.

   "What do you mean by 'what movie are we watching'???? One of the most beautiful masterpieces of all time??" Mina answers while making frantic hand motions to show her point, the rest of the girls nod their head.

   (Y/n) looks at each of them for a second before shaking her head and turning to see the TV again. "Still not clicking anything."

   At those words even Jirou gasps, not to say she's not a big fan of movies, is just, she hasn't found the right movies and it's pretty hard to impress her, (Y/n) has watched some movies but she has standards and a good soundtrack, amazing animation, good actors or voice actors, a good plot and storytelling are a must for her.

   "Have you ever watched Your Name?" Mina stares bewildered waiting for a response.

   "That I have watched, it's fantastic and got my attention from the beginning. And if you were going to ask me, for example, if I have watched Ponyo, I have watched it and I think that's pretty much it. Also a good movie." (Y/n) finishes saying.

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