Kirishima Eijirou×F!reader: A soulmate who wasn't meant to be

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I know you guys said you would hate me but do you really hate me? I couldn't help myself and wanted to write something sad for my sake. Yes, apparently I'm a masochist and enjoy pain.

Kirishima I'm sorry Nico made me do it :(

TW: blood, wounds, major character death (if you don't wish to read this you are free to go ahead and not do it lol, I obviously cried my guts out writing it)

****You're both pro heroes in this, mid 20s, dating, bad villain incident, like really bad villain incident****


     Heavy breaths leave your lips as your legs carry you over and around the rubble, running, looking, searching. Sweat covered a big majority of your body, along with dirt and other fluids you weren't sure were yours anymore.

     Repeating the same pattern over and over again, running, moving the rubble, looking, not finding anything and moving on to another possible spot. Running, moving, looking, moving along.




     Moving along.

     Again, again and again.

     Your hands kept shaking with every piece of cement you managed to move, or at least the big ones that seemed to hide something - or someone in this case - underneath it.

     The palms of your hands had started to split open and bruise with the force and speed they tried to move stuff, glass and metal getting in the way and injuring you.

     You passed by several other heroes in the scene, paying no mind to them as you keep running around over to the places furthest from where the battle finished. He had to be somewhere right?! He had to be okay, he needed to be okay!

     Your heart stopped beating when your eyes caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a lump of something to your left.

     You ran and ran and ran as fast as your legs let you, you were exhausted from the fight and with every step you took they stung more and more.



     The closer you got you tried to notice characteristics of the body laying on the ground in the distance.

     Then you saw it.

     The red hair.

     And your heart stopped completely.

     Oh no.

     There were obstacles on your way, it was infuriating you how slow you were running right now.

     "RED RIOT!" You screamed. No response.


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