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I met Delilah outside her house and we were walking to school together as always. The weather today was colder, it was october and school had like a month that had started. I knew Delilah since I was a small kid, I dont remember the time that she wasnt part of my life.

'You know Niklaus from my class? I talked to him yesterday.' - I said out of nowhere.

Delilah is a year younger than me, but she knows everyone at my class, even more than I do. She is so sociable and cheerful and radiates positivity everywhere she goes.
Delilah is full of colors. Smart and very stubborn. She is everything that I am not and I am everything she isn't.

We grew up to be two different people, even if time spent together throughout the years was a lot. Sometimes I think that the only thing keeping us together are the years of our friendship.

'Really? Where did you meet him?' - she asked while fixing her blonde hair in a pony tail. Even in looks we were different . The blonde hair made her blue eyes look prettier and her full lips gave her the look of a doll. She was so pretty. I wondered how lucky she was.

'At the bus station' - it was the first lie crossing my mind - ' we didn't talk much, he seems nice tho.'

'Yes I know, he has friends from my class and we exchanged some words. He is actually very funny... Watch your step... I can't believe how clumsy you are Hera.' - she shouted.

Of course, the criticism couldn't miss even today. She was always complaining about how useless, clumsy and weird I was, but I was now used to it and I don't fight back to what she says.

Even if I pretended that I was too focused on my feet that I hit against a stone that appeared out of nowhere, her words hurt more.

I entered the class and say a loud hi to everyone there. I sat in my usual desk at the end of the class and stare blankly at what others were doing.

Light brown hair showed in the entrance of the class door. He had wore baggy dark clothes and his messy hair suit perfectly with them. He sat at the first row, so far away from me.

I hadn't realized I was staring at him, only when Niklaus turned around and the only thing his eyes met with, was my face that  probably looked like a stalker owl.

'Shit' - I whispered while I was giving him a smile which I tried to make it look as normal as possible. But it clearly wasnt. He waved at me and got up.

'Shit. No. Fuck. Shit. Get the fuck away from me' - my mind was thinking so fast. I didnt want him to come to me. I wanted him to stay where he was. True, his presence when I was dizzy and in the dark was okay. But right now I dont want any human contact.

I watched him passing through the other desks and approaching me and the fake smile was stuck on my face. I was sure I looked so confusing. My eyes were probably opened wide trying to fight the freaked out thoughts and my smile was trying to give a welcome look.

'Well hello there, potato.' - I winked, snapped my fingers and pointed at him.

' What? What the fuck?' - he laughed and pointed back at me, - 'Well hello there, hangover girl.'

'Oh cmon, Niklaus dont exaggerate. It was only a tiny bit of alcohol.'

'Thats why you are so happy today?' - he asked.

If only you knew how happy I am you would run away from me right now. I wanna kill you so bad for knowing I drink and saying it as if it is nothing. Do you think this is a joke? Are we treating this as a joke now? - these were all the words I wish I could have told him.

'Yes, oh my god you are so damn right' - I said sarcastically, - 'hey look the teacher came, bye now.'

He rolled his eyes in boredom and went back to his desk. He turned around and gave a fast look before the lesson started.

The music teacher closed the door and the lesson started. Yes music, no matter how much I loved music, the subject just wasn't made for me. She always tried to make the impossible for us to listen at her, but no one ever did.

'So, anyone has now the courage to sing a song infront of the whole class?' - she had repeated this damn question every single lesson and no one ever sang. No one was taking the risk of ending up as a meme all over the internet.

'I'm in a good mood today, whoever sings first is gonna take an A'

Silence. Everyone was looking at their phones and they probably didnt even listen to that.

I cursed and raised my hand.

' Yes Hera?' - she articulated those words in such excitement. Why the hell she wanted us to embarrass ourselves so badly?

'I am gonna sing and I want that A' - I tried to keep a straight face but I just smiled. I felt everyone's eyes on me, but I wanted those honey coloured ones focused because I would make the person having them laugh.

' Finally someone. Start when you are ready Hera.'

I opened the lyrics on my phone, did an 'hmm hmm' sound with my throat and started:

' I got a hangover, whoaaa... I've been drinking too much for sure..
I got a hangover, whoaaaaa... I got an empty cup pour me some more'

Niklaus was looking at me and smiling so much. In his face was placed a 'cant believe it' look while he was making supporting moves with his hands.  The whole class was smiling and enjoying this so much and seriously I was too.

'I got a little bit trashed last night, night
I got a little bit wasted, yeah yeah
I got a little bit mashed last night, night
I got a little sh' faceded, yeah yeah'

I continued singing and the teacher had to stop me because it became too much noise couz of the laughs and some of them were singing the song with me.

'You won the A Hera. Well done entertaining everyone.'

I bowed down to my teacher and sat laughing.
Niklaus looked at me laughing and whispered from the distance 'you are crazy' and spinned his finger near his head in order for me to understand what he was saying.

I showed him the middle finger, which made him smile more and stopped looking at him.

If we are gonna make my situation a fucking joke, we gonna make it together.

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