Liar, Liar, Pants on fire

986 22 10

UN: Hey, someone got a comment!

UN: *About to read*

Angie: NO DON'T

UN: What?

Angie: Atua says that Shuichi is the only one meant to read that dare, and only Shuichi!

UN: Okay? *Hands letter to Shuichi*

Shuichi: Alright, so

From Bolkoniczka

Dare for Shuichi! You can only lie and you can't tell anyone about this dare! (Run away if you need to) This will last until Kokichi only tells the truth for a chapter.

Shuichi: Oh no.

Korekiyo: Nishishi, I wonder what it is! *tries to steal letter*

Shuichi: *Moves letter away*

Kokichi: *Leans on Shuichi's shoulder* What's the dare?

Shuichi: *Jumps away and runs out of room*

UN: Oh, hey, Hiyoko you're free now.

Hiyoko: YES!

Mikan: *Walks into room*


Mikan: *Walks out of room*

Korekiyo: 1 Left

Kokichi: 2 left

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