
658 18 12

UN: Oh

UN: Oh no

Teruteru: Hm?

Korekiyo: kekeke

UN: Bolkoniczka dares every girl to be around Teruteru for 3 asks/dares

Tenko: w h a t

Sonia: I'm slapping a bitch

Souda: mIsS sOnIa

UN: i'M a gIrl sO i hAvE tO dO tHis tOo fUcK mAN

Aoi: As a lesbian, I am not going to enjoy this at all

Kaede: Same

Tenko: Big mood

Himiko: Nyeh, same

Angie: Nyaha! Atua agrees with your statement!

Sakura: I agree

Hiyoko: Mid Bood

Mahiru: S a m e

Teruteru: *About to slap one of the girls' ass*

Tenko: *Throws him against wall* I THINK NOT


UN: I'd also like to thank everyone for getting this book to 1k views! Thank chu! ♡

Korekiyo: 5 Left

Teruteru: 3 Left

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