
679 11 17

UN: This dare isn't specified as a dare, nor at someone, but who cares? AMAMI

Korekiyo: kekeke

Rantaro: What do- er *Trying not to say a question to give Kork a break because he's a good boyfriend*

UN: I gotcha fam. MunkiSmol told someone to get some water for Shinguji, so I'm putting it as a dare, and you're the person

Rantaro: aLrIgHtY!

Rantaro runtaros off, going to get a cup of water.

He comes back and hands the water to Korekiyo.

He drinks it.

Korekiyo: Thanks

Rantaro: Of course. I wuv you!

Korekiyo: *Smiles*

UN: Who else ships this?

Korekiyo: kekeke

UN: Wait


Rantaro: *death stare*

UN: i'M sOrRy

Rantaro: *Boyf mode activate*

UN: *Shrieking*

Korekiyo: 9 left

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