There's a plot twist at the end

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UN: HewwOwO I'm back from a month long vacation

Kaito: *Drops from sky* YOU

UN: Ah shit, here we go

Kaito: *Starts to strangle* WERE YOU THE ONE WHO PUT ME UP THERE

UN: *Squeak*

Kokichi: Momota you shouldn't choke a random stranger

Kaito: *Lets go* SO I'LL STRANGLE YOU

Kaito starts storming towards Kokichi

Shuichi appears with a knife

Shuichi: I think not

Maki: *Also appears with another knife* Get away from Kaito

Shuichi: Only if he gets away from my boyfriend

Maki: *Glares before grabbing Kaito and walking off*

Wolf: Gonta-

Gonta: Who the hell are you

Wolf: D:

Sonia: Fuyuhiko, I have to ask you a question-

Peko: You will call him by his last name *Reaches for sword*

Sonia: ,,,Kuzuryuu

Peko: *Nods approvingly*

UN: Anyways, MunkiSmol asked "Hey Kiyo, how're you? How's life wHY weRe yOU cOugHiNg"

Korekiyo: I'm sick. A disease that can't be cured.

UN: Oof

UN: AshyAkina1293 asked "So to pregame tenko: Why do you hate women?"

Tenko: Ugh, do you even have to ask? They over exaggerate everything. They're always looking for drama. They're all fake as fuck. Need I say more?

UN: Feeling slightly offended-

Tenko: Good

UN: D:

Himiko: But girls are cute!!! You just gotta try a little harder!!!

UN: The turns have been tabled

UN: _Buttymanhey_ asked "Here’s an ask to the DR1 characters. Hey, Makoto. Do you have feelings for a certain Heir?  (Not the Imposter.)"

Makoto: *Blushu* What? I-Uh,,,Maybe??

Tsumugi: But Kyoko and Makoto are supposed to get together! That's how the ship works what the fuCK!


Junko: I've been trying to get the gays together for months nope-

Byakuya: What

Junko: Nothing!

UN: Bolkoniczka asked "Soooo... pregame guys. Did you know you were all chosen to participate in danganronpa? Shuichi, you were the ultimate detective and protagonist following chapter 1 to the end so you didn't die, Gonta was the ultimate entomologist and cinnamon roll, Kaede was the protagonist for the 1st chapter and the ultimate pianist, Angie was... (and I just tell them everyone's talent in drv3)"

Shuichi: I don't die?

Shuichi: *Getting more angry* I don't get executed?!?

Kaede: On the contrary, it seems like I do. Are you really that sick and twisted that you want to die?


Shuichi: *Starts drooling* Please insult me more

Kaede: Ew

Kaede: And pianist? Seriously?

Kokichi: S-Supreme Leader? I couldn't lead anyone?

Kaito: Astronaut? What a lame fucking talent the fuck? You can't kill anyone with that

Angie: Artist??? Who do I draw for

Tenko: At least I can beat up girls with my talent


Gonta: Cinnamon roll? The fuck?

Korekiyo: Anthropologist? I mean, I guess cultures are fun to learn about

Kirumi: Maid? As if I would let myself go down to that level

Ryoma: Tennis player sounds fun!

Rantaro: Survivor.....*Deep suffering sigh*

Miu: Inventor? I could help so many people with that!

Tsumugi: Ooo I already cosplay for my job and advertisements!

Kiibo: Robot????? How does that work?

Maki: Assassin??? But I don't want to kill anyone

Maki: Unless it's for Kaito

UN: Oof

UN: Violet_Booklover said "I have a dare!!!
I dare rantarou and ouma to fall in love with eachother and shuichi and korekiyo have to watch them and put up with it!!
This'll last for 15 chapters XD

Rantaro: Kokichi I really like you!

Kokichi: Me too!

Shuichi: *Raises knife*

Korekiyo: *Forces hand down* Don't

UN: DanganRonpaEvilNaegi asked "Can sodam happen same with naegime"

Sonia: If Sodam refers to Souda and Gundham, then no, it will not be happening as me and Gundham are together

Makoto: Naegime? Is that,,,me and Togami?

Byakuya: Then yes. Yes we are.

Makoto: What

Byakuya: *Kissu*



Tsumugi: nOoooOoOOOOOo!

UN: Alright but *Snaps*

Shuichi: Ugh my head hurts what happened

Kokichi: Shumai!

Junko: They're not pregame anymore?

Wolves disappear

Gonta: Eh?!

Maki: Did,,,I threaten to kill people over Kaito

Kaito: yes. Yes you did

Maki: Disgusting

UN: Alright so you might be wondering why everyone is back to normal

UN: The thing is I'm ending this book

Kokichi: what-

UN: Yeah, I wanna focus on other stories and I barely update this one anyways so,,,,

UN: It's been a fun ride guys! Thanks for reading! Hope you can find another book like this that still updates!

UN: Bye bye!

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