Let's Be Professional..

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Alyssa's POV

"I've gotta do a photoshoot, wanna come with me?" Tristyn asks "Sure" I say and get off the couch. We walk out of the blue building and to the Orange one, we walk in and there are two really really  hot guys standing and talking "Gunner, you ready?" she asks "Oh yeah let me change my shirt hold on" he says and the other one walks up to us "Who is this?" he asks "Tanner, Alyssa, Alyssa, Tanner" Tristyn introduces, I stick my hand out and he grabs it and shakes "Nice to meet you" he says "Pleasure" I reply and then Gunner walks out f the room wearing a black shirt "Now are you ready?" Tristyn asks "Yeah, who is this?" he asks and sticks his hand out at me "Alyssa, nice to meet you" I say "Gunner, nice to meet you too" he replies 'damn Tristyn, you work with really sexy guys' I think to myself and we walk outside.

He starts climbing a tree "What kind of pictures do you want?" She asks watching him climb "Juts make me look at sexy and badass as possible" he explains and she hums to herself and he gets comfortable and then she starts climbing the tree as well, "Tristyn! Be a lady!" I tell and she grunts in return 'she has really good upper body strength' I think to myself as I see her climbing the tree with just her arms "Make sure no ones comes over here" she says "Okay no promises" I reply and chuckle. She eventually gets situated and then she starts taking the pictures. After a bit of her being in the tree she looks around and then looks directly at me "Come under me, and catch my camera" she says I walk over to her and she drops her camera and I catch it somehow "Watch out in gonna jump" she says and then stands up and holds a branch "No, let me get down and I'll catch you" Gunner said as he starts getting down " No stay there i have a very good idea of a picture and if you move then its gonna get ruined" she said and smiled at him "Are you sure?" He asks "Yes" she said and then she jumped and did a shoulder roll and stood up. She dusted herself off and walked back over to me, she looks up with her camera and takes the picture. "The artist sees what only others catch a glimpse off" she says and smiles. She takes a few more pictures from ground level and then he climbs down and they look at the pictures and I watch their body language, he puts his arm around her waist and she steps away, but covers it with professional conversation, he keeps trying to get intimately close to her but she keeps rejecting him. 'She's always been professional' I think to myself and start feeling jealous of her 'She always got the hot guys' I think and I try and shake the thoughts out of my head but the feeling is still there. I love Tristyn, she's one of my closest friends but I cant help but feel so envious of her. She always got the good stuff, but she never appreciated it.

Tanner's POV

"I can't believe you got in her pants" I said getting frustrated and inching at my hangover. I hear the door open and I look over and see Tristyn and a very hot girl, she's got light brown hair and she is thicker, not too much though. Her eyes are so pretty, they're a soft blue, and she just looks amazing. "Gunner, you ready?" Tristyn asks "Oh yeah let me change my shirt hold on" he says and I walk up to them "Who is this?" I ask "Tanner, Alyssa, Alyssa, Tanner" Tristyn introduces, she sticks her hand out and I grab it and shake "Nice to meet you" I say "Pleasure" she replies 'she talks like Tristyn' and then Gunner walks out of my office wearing a black shirt "Now are you ready?" Tristyn asks "Yeah, who is this?" he asks and sticks his hand out at Alyssa "Alyssa, nice to meet you" she introduces "Gunner, nice to meet you too" he replies 'damn Tristyn, you have really hot friends' I think to myself.

Tristyn's POV

Gunner keeps trying to get close to me and I keep backing away from him, but I don't wanna be mean, he's still a good guy, I just don't want to be with him. 'I don't like Gunner like that, I know we had sex but I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing.' I think as we walk inside. "Alright here is the card so pick out the ones you like and email them to me and I will edit them for you as soon as I can" I explain and hand him the card and walk out of Orange Base and to Blue "He likes you" Alyssa said "Yeah, I know. But the feeling is not returned" I say and open the door to Blue Base, I see Matt and he looks at me a winks, I smile and walk up the stairs to my office, "Nichole's not here" I say quietly "Why don't you like him back? He's definitely your type." she says and sits on the couch "He actually isn't," I reply "If you want, you can sleep over at my house and I can tell you the whole story, I don't want to explain here." I explain and she nods "Well that Tanner guy," she starts "He is fine as fuck" she says and smirks and raises her eyebrows "He is attractive, if you get the job, you should go for him. I hear he's single" I reply and hear a ding come from my computer, letting me know I got an email, I turn around and unlock my computer. I go to my emails and see one from Gunner, I open it and there are a few of his pictures, there is also a text "Wanna come over again?" he asks "Again?" I hear "I'll explain later" I say "So are you coming over? Or..?" I ask opening the pictures and starting to edit them. "Yeah, that would be fantastic! We can catch up and talk about stuff." she says and laughs, I chuckle and continue editing.

~~Time Skip After Work~~

"Okay, I'm ready, you ready for your interview?" Matt says as he pokes his head into the room. "Yes" she says and walks to him "I emailed you her resume" I yell out the door "Thank you" he yells back. About 45 minutes later, I hear "Thank you Thank you!" and then little squeaks, I look up from my monitor and see Alyssa walking over to me, I stand up and then I see Matt come out of his office and walk over to me too, "I got the job!" she yells and hugs me tightly and starts jumping, I give a big smile and jump and hug her back "That's awesome!" I reply and then see Matt walk in "She's going to be your assistant, and her office will be here, I just called Nichole and she didn't mind." he explains and smiles "Cool, I've been needing help with stuff, like you can be my caddie" I say and smile at all the things that could be cut in half.

We all talk for a bit, about how Alyssa will need keys and a desk. Alyssa and I walk to Red Base and try to locate Connor. We find him in his office, "Hey remember Alyssa?" I ask and she walks in and her eyes light up and so does his he stands up and hugs her "I haven't seen you in years! How are you?" he exclaims she hugs him back and they start talking for a while. "We should go out for dinner!" Alyssa suggests "Yeah! We can celebrate her getting the job!" Connor adds, they both look at me for approval and I nod "But we have to invite Sam, Paul, Nichole and Matt. Even if they decline, we should still ask. And it should be tomorrow, because we would have to make reservations" I say and they get really happy, Connor calls Paul and Matt and I call Nichole and Sam "Hey, so Alyssa, Connor and I are celebrating Alyssa getting the job tonight, would you like to come? It's at 6:00 tomorrow." I ask Sam "Yes!" she says "Where are we going?" she asks "Taco Bell," (AN: Kudos to you who know that 90's movie)  "Just kidding, dress fancy, and text me your address so we can come pick you up." I explain and we hang up a few seconds later I get her address, I call Nichole "Hey we are celebrating Alyssa getting the job, would you like to come?" I ask and I hear her voice get higher, "Yes! I would love to, where are we going and what time?" she asks "Dress fancy and send me your address so we can pick you up, and tomorrow at 6:00" I explain "Okay!" she says and hangs up, I also get her address. "Well?" I ask and look at Connor "They both said yes" he said and Alyssa's face lights up "Okay, well we are gonna go home and she is spending the night, and we might go shopping so we can get Alyssa and myself proper dresses." I explain "On your bike?" he asks "Well just to go home but we will order an Uber" I explain and walk out of his office "Just be careful!" he yells "I will!" I yell back.

We walk to Blue Base and up to my office to grab my stuff and I walk to the bathroom and change and walk back to my office I fold my clothes and put them in my bag and then, we walk out and lock the door and walk down stairs and out to through the back door. We walk to the bike and I put my stuff and hers in te seat and I give her my extra helmet and I sat down and she sat behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist and I started the bike and then kicked up the stand and started driving out of the parking lot. We reach a red light and a guy in a shitty looking car pulls up in the next lane "You guys look hot!" he said there was no one behind me yet so I rolled back a bit and started riding and hit his side mirror and I felt Alyssa hate her hand off of me for a second and I knew she flipped him off.

We make it home and we take our stuff out of the seat and put the helmet back in and went inside, she walked into the bathroom and I walked into the room to change back into what I was originally wearing and I ordered an Uber at a gas station right down the street from the house. Alyssa walks out and over to me "Ready?" I ask "Yeah" she said and I grab my small black backpack and we walk out of the house I lock the door and we start walking to the gas station.

"So, what's up with you and Gunner?" she asks "We got drunk together and had sex" I say bluntly and she looks at me "Way to go, you finally allowed so dick" she said "Look, just because I'm A-Sexual doesn't mean I don't get dick, okay?" I say and we both start laughing. We made it to the gas station and the Uber wasn't there yet so we walked inside and got some drinks and a few bags of candy. "I'm here to pick you up!" said the text from the Uber, we pay and walk outside and get in. I tell her where to go and after a long 20 minutes of small talk, we made it. We get out and tank her and start walking into some of the clothes stores.

(AN: I'll have a "chapter" just for the outfits, It'll be this next one)

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