What Is Going On!?

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A couple days have gone by and it is now Thursday. The guys still come around and Jacob and I are a bit awkward around each other now, but we all promised to keep it from Matt, we didn't really do anything but it's just better to keep it from him. James completely ignores me and tries his damn hardest to avoid me. I can finally get some work done. When I work in my office the guys just stay downstairs and hang out, sometimes they ask Matt and I if they can have a Nerf fight to keep them occupied and when they do, they make sure to not get in the way of anyone, like when someone comes in they yell at each other to hold fire until they are gone, especially if it's a girl, they hold women with the highest respect, it's pretty nice.

Nichole, Sam, Alyssa and I walked downstairs for lunch, and we were going to go out for food. The guys were having a Nerf battle and when they heard us laughing and coming downstairs I heard Rick yell 'CEASEFIRE' "Who is it?" Jacob asks "Tristyn" he yelled back and all firing stopped "Hey guys, we are walking to the coffee shop, want me to bring you guys anything?" I asked and they all came out of hiding, "Hold up" Jacob said and ran upstairs and a few seconds later came back downstairs "Alright boss said it was all good if we go with you guys, so do you mind if we join?" he says and smiles 'He asked Matt if he could join us, that's so sweet' I think to myself and smile, I look at the girls and they nod their heads and smile "Alright let's go" I say and walk to the door Andrew opened the door for us and we walked to the shop.

It was us in front of them, we were in our own worlds and they were in there's. We made it and once again they opened the doors for us and we walked in. We ordered and sat at a table outside and talked for a while. I looked over at the guys who were sitting in the table next to us and there were these two girls talking to them, and they were visibly uncomfortable, but they are so nice to girls that they just let it happen. I nudge the girls and they casually look over and we develop a plan, since there is four of us and four of them, we all took the courtesy of talking to our "boyfriends" we stood up and walked next to them "Hey baby, who are these?" I asked sweetly to Jacob "Um, Lacey and Rebecca" he relied "Well we should be going back to work so say goodbye to your friends okay?" I say and they stand up quickly and wrap their arms around the other girls and they throw their cups away and we start walking "Thank you so much" Andrew said and rubbed the back of his neck, by this time they all let go of the girls "Yeah no problem, I know you guys would do the same so" I said as we walked back to the office. I unlock the door and we walk in, the guys grab their guns and we go our separate ways. I go up to my office and edit, I pull out my camera and plug it into my computer.

A couple hours later I hear yelling from downstairs and I quickly get up and run down the stairs and turn the corner to see the guys holding James by the collar against the wall. "Guys! What the hell is going on here?" I ask and grab their arms and push my way through them to get to Andrew who was holding him. "He was trying to threaten us and tried to intimidate us, by saying he was going to kidnap you and do things to you." Rick explained. My face turned red from anger, "Put him own" I say and he does and get up in James face "What were you going to do me hmm?" I ask "Well?!" I yell "Nothing, I wasn't going to do anything I was talking, I was never going to actually do anything to you. I promise." he confesses "How do I know you are telling the truth?" I ask and back up a bit and cross my arms "'Cause I'm just a nerd who only knows how to work computers, I would never be capable of kidnapping you." he says and hangs his head down, looking at the floor.

"What is going on here" I hear Matt say "Thi..." I cut off Jacob "Nothing honey, just a little disagreement" I say and walk away, everyone turns and watches me walk away, no words were said. I walk up to my office and put my earbuds in and turned my music on loud to drown out everything and I continued editing. A few hours later I see Nichole turn her computer off and pull one earbud out and she's putting her stuff away and stands up and says bye and I say it back and she walks out and closes the door and I put my bud back in and continue editing. Even through my loud ass music I hear a door slam and running down the stairs. I pause my music, pull out the buds and open the door, I walk over to Matt's office and knock on it "Honey? Is everything okay?" I ask softly, then the door opens and he embraces me tightly. "He's gone. He doesn't work here anymore. I'm sorry I put you through so much. I'm sorry." Matt says into my hair and he tightens his grip, I wrap my arms around his shoulders and stand on my toes and hug him back. "Oh honey, it's okay, don't worry. Now he's gone and everything is going to go back to normal." I say softly and pull my face away and look him in the eyes, I put my hand on his face and smile, he smiles back and kisses my forehead. "I love you so much." he says and hugs me again and backs up into his office and closes the door still hugging.

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