I Guess It's That Time Huh?

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Tristyn's POV

I woke up, and there was two groans from both sides of me. I opened my eyes and looked over and saw Matt's face, and I looked to the other side and saw the back of Connor's head. I tried to move and I couldn't. I pulled my arms out from under the sheets and shoved Connor off the bed and a surge of pain came from my shoulder. I winced in pain and sat up, I had Matt's shirt on and no pants. "What the fuck" Connor says from the floor and sits up and Matt groans and sits up too. "What is going on?" he says and then wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer and just hugs me tight. "How long was I asleep for?" I ask "2 days" Connor says, I get up and walk to the bathroom and do my business. I look in the mirror, there are bags under my eyes and I'm super pale. I walk out and Connor is gone and Matt is sitting on the bed on his phone.

I walk over to the dresser and take my shirt off, I feel two arms slink around my hips. "Hello" Matt says in a seductive voice "Hi baby" I reply seductively back. His hands play with the top of my underwear and I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. We lean in and start kissing, his hands go under my panties and grab my ass hard, letting me know what he wants. I pull at his hair and he moans deeply. I lift one leg and wrap it around his hip, he take his hand out and grabs under my leg and I pull away and jump. He walks over to an empty wall and pushes me up against it harshly making me groan. I take his shirt off and unbuckle his belt and there is a knock on the door, he puts me down "Yes?" I ask "Make yourselves decent and breakfast is ready." I hear Nan say. I sigh and walk away from Matt and get dressed. We walk out and walk downstairs, I smell the best smell in the world... bacon (If you veg/vegi, then you can change it). I sit down next to Al and Matt sits on the other side of me. Everything is going well and everyone is eating and laughing. "Knock Knock Knock" everyone goes silent, Frankie gets up and opens the door, "Hello, there was a noise complaint from last night." There was a cop at the door, Al gets up and walks to the door "My apologies, my friend who is in the kitchen recently bought a B-B gun and modified it to be louder. I'm very sorry, I will talk to him about it." Al explains "Okay, just keep it down alright?" He says and the door closes. They walk back and just sit down and continue their conversation.

A few hours later i get a call from Gunner, "Hey, what's up?" I ask "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang later, maybe get food or something, Tanner's coming too by the way." he says "Sure, I'm down." I say and we say our goodbyes and I go hop in the shower. I get out and wrap a towel around me and get dressed. I blow dry my hair and fix my face. I walk out of the room and walk downstairs "Hey babe, where you goin'?" Matt asks " Tanner and Gunner asked if I would go with them to get food." I explained and then hear the doorbell go off. I run to Matt and kiss him and run to the door, I grab my keys and open the door.

"Hey Gun" I say and close the door. We walk to his car and get in. "Where's Tanner?" I ask "Alyssa kidnapped him for the night, you know to do it." he says "Ohh okay. I see how it is, Fucking my best friend is more important than going to have food" I say sarcastically and we both start laughing. "Okay so where are we going?" I ask "I don't know, Olio's? We can sit inside and talk." he explains "I'm down" I say and we start driving. We make it to a red light and Gunner starts slowing down but then it turns red and we keep going, "GUNNER!" I yell and then I heard the window shatter and then everything went black "Why does this always happen to me? Huh? Why me!? Why do I need always be getting hurt and causing people pain? God, if you're there, why me? I've never done anything bad, I've never done anything in my life to deserve this." I say. I feel like I'm standing. I start moving my legs and I am standing, I start turning around and I don't see anything It's all just black.

'Wee-woo-wee-woo-wee-woo' I hear very faintly, I try to open my eyes but they just flick open, It's too bright to open them. I start feeling my surrounding, there is a strap to my head, an airbag on my mouth and nose, there is an IV drip in my arm, and someone keeps poking at different part of my body then pokes my stitches on my shoulder and I flinch at the pain. "Honey, are you awake?" I hear a guy say I raise my arm to cover the bright lights and then there was a split second where I saw Gunner's face, laying on the ground, eyes closed and blood all over him. I shoot up "Gunner!" I say loudly and fall back down "Don't worry your friend is fine, he's in the ambulance in front of us" he says "What happened?" I ask "Someone ran a red light and hit you and there were fave other cars on the accident, making a seven car pile-up." he explains "Is Gunner okay?" I ask "He's okay, just unconscious. You got most of the damages." he explains.

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