Chapter 10

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Jihyo's POV

I woke up early in the morning and then prepared my self to go to school. As I was walking on the street I saw her, yes her the person that I don't wanna see in my life. Her name was Sowon, the most badass girl at school. I really hated her like serously. She always bullied the freshmens and she's getting on my nerves.

"Hi there miss president, wanna ride with me?" WHT! Ok Jihyo calm down don't make a scene.. just smile at her then walk away. "Im sorry Sowon-ssi but I can walk and the school is a meter away.. Thanks." I walked away but she held my hand. "Its ok Sowon-ssi and if you don't mind, can you release my hand?" I asked her nicely but she tightened the grip on my hand and pull me inside her car. Oh my Ghad! help meee..!! "S-sowon-ssi please stop the car." I panicked but she held my hand. "I won't harm you Jihyo-ssi I promise." I calm down a bit but I was surprised when she intertwined our hands. I look at her confusely but she just smiled at me. Is she out of her mind? Dear God please save me. I silently prayed.

"Were here Jihyo yah, please just call me Sowon.." she smiled at me.. Gosh It's so creepy.

"T-thankyou but please don't do that again." i bowed at her. I was about to walked away but she held my hand (ohh not again) and then she said something. "I will pick you up everyday starting today Jihyo yah, and you can't stop me." she kissed me on my lips then she ran away. WTF! SHE JUST STOLE MY FIRST KISS!! OH MY GHAD!!! she will pay for this!

I walked inside the student council's office and smash the table infront of me. Agghh that girl!!! I was about to throw a book when Kim Sejeong the Vice President entered the room.

"Oh My God Jihyo yah! Don't hit me with that!" she said while covering her face.

"Oh! Im sorry Sejeong ah, I did'nt mean to throw it, besides it is still on my hand." I just grinned at her.

"Yah! why are you like that? did something happened? problems? lovelife?" now she's teasing me, wow.

"It's just Sowon." I said blanky.

"Sowon??? yah! what did she do to you? Did she do any stupid things that will hurt you? Di-"

"Yah! I'm fine, no need to act like that."
"I'm fine your face! I'm your ex Jihyo but I still care about you eventhough there's nothing between us. Yeah.. you heared it right. She's my ex and we dated for 2 years. We ended our relationship when her father arranged a marriage for her and a girl named Chungha. We did not stop dating each other until my father also arranged a marriage for me but we did'nt know who's my fiance. We ended up relationship right and we stayed as friends. Well to be honest I sti loved her but we can't do anything because we valued our family the most and we did'nt regret on what we did.

"Yah Jihyo! aish stop spacing out will you? Your class will be starting in 15 minutes so get your ass out of here." She glared at me.

"Fine! so need to glare you shortie"
"Wow look who's talking." she rolled her eyes.
"Nahh you're shorter." I fought back while running outside. hahaha

(Time Skip: After class)

I was running at the hallway when I bumped into someone and fell on the floor.

"Wow look who's here, Hi miss president glad to see you." He grinned at me and believe me it's so creepy.

"I-im sorry" I was about to ran away but he held my hand then pulled me inside the empty room and pinned me to the wall. "Jackson- ssi please let me go." I pleaded and I started to cry. " I'm sorry Miss president but you have to come with me." He smirked at me.
" HELP! SOMEONE HE-" he covered my mouth then pointed a knife on my waist. "don't shout Jihyo-ssi or you will die." I'm crying so hard while praying. Hoping that someone will help me.

"Put her down." I heared someone said calmly and its a girl's voice. "I said put her down." I turned to her and saw her face. Omo! It's Sowon.

"Why? you're ruinning the fun cousin." cousin? why am I not surprised. wow just wow.

"I said put her down or I will kill you." she glared at him and he released me but suddenly he held my hand.

"Yah! who are you to command me like that?" I sensed that he is pissed on her.

"Release my girl and you'll live" she said firmly. What? My girl? oh come on.

"Your girl? really? pssh whatever." He released my hand then walked away. Sowon drag me outside the school then went to the parking lot.

"Yah! what are you doing? were on earth will you bring me?" I asked her.

"Could you just shut up?! You didn't even thanked me earlier." she said while driving.

I remained silent and she's just focusing on the road. Haish what day for me.

She suddenly stoped when we reached the park. "Let's go." she said coldly. "Why did you bring me here." I asked but she did'nt replied. She drag me to the nearest resturant and ordered our food. What's with the dragging these days? aish. After we finished our food we went back to the park. I was about to say something when she spoke.

"I really like here, this place is so memorable to me." she said while looking at the bay across the park. I just stay silent while looking at her. "You know, I did'nt like bullying others. I felt so ashame that I bully them." I looked at her and I saw the guilt in her eyes. " I just want some attention Jihyo yah, I badly needed it. When my parents can't give the attention that I need I will bully someone." She said while wiping the tears in her eyes. I did'nt know what have gotten into me when i hugged her. I hugged her tight like my life was depending on her. " It's ok Sowon we can be friends if you want, I understand you." but she broke the hug and said.

" Jihyo yah I'm sorry but we can't be friends." she said while looking down.

"Why?" I asked her confusedly.

"Isn't it obvious?" she asked me in disbelief.

"Obvious what?" I really don't understand.

"I like you Jihyo yah!" she shouted at me.

"Y-you what?" oh mu goodness gracious! she likes me? what?!

"I said I like you.. and think i love you now." she said while staring at my eyes. Oh my ghad!

"It's ok if you don't feel the same as me Jihyo yah, but I will prove my love to you." she said while smiling at me. Omo her smile.. There's something in her smile.. oh my!

"I-its getting late now Sowon, l-lets go home." a big around of applause for park jihyo. really? thanks for stuttering you idiot!

"Why are you stuttering Jihyo yah? Nervous?" wow. where did all her confidence came from? now I idolized her for that.

"Nervous your face! lets go!" I drag her out of the park.(seriously what's with the dragging today?)

She sent me home then bid her goodbye, but she give me a quick peck on my lips the drove away. Wow her guts really. I blused hard when I entered the room. My thoughts were interrupted when my mother tease me.
"I saw that young lady." she said while wiggling her eyebrows.
"Seriously Mom? She's just a friend!"
"Ohhh a friend who's giving kisses on the lips? nice reason Ji." my mon said while smirking.
"Aish fine! she's my suitor." I said annoyingly.
"Yieee she's growing up now." she tease me again.
"Whatever mom."
I walked inside my room then cleaned my self and prepared to sleep. Well my mom does'nt know that my dad arranged a marriage for me thats why she tease me like that.

Why can't Sowon get out of my mind? "I like you Jihyo yah"! Oh my ghad! it keeps repeating on my head! I can't sleep.. Aish! just sleep Jihyo yah! tomorrow's another day.

Hey guys!
I updated this chapter because of my good'2 friend wow 😒. Anyway thankyou for reading my book and for your support. Goodbless guys.


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