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My eyes slowly opened, unconsciousness leaving my body as I began to wake up from my slumber to the soft melody of my alarm clock.
'Work.' I grumbled, as I remembered that I had work today. Though I feel as though something else is today. Then it hit me, 'Today is Friday.' I smiled as I closed my eyes with a dreamy sigh.

"I love Friday." I said, not to anyone in particular. I sighed, knowing I still had to go to work though. I peeled my sweaty body from the yellow bed sheets and shuffled to the bathroom, running a hand threw my raven hair and yawning. I brushed my teeth then stepped into the shower.

After that I blow dried my hair, sharply styled it, and put on my blue and red glasses. The reason I wear them it to cover my heterochromatic blue and brown eyes, because self consciousness and people complimenting them. I don't take compliments very well. Or comments directed at me in general just make me uncomfortable when it from a stranger. If I know the person I'll take it and probably compliment them back, but otherwise all your getting is a weak 'thank you I guess...'. I got dressed in a band shirt and a pair of skinny grey jeans. After I tucked the hem of my shirt into the jeans waistband I grabbed my backpack, phone, keys, and slipped on my black and shower checkered shoes. After that I shut the door to my apartment and walked down the hallway of the building I was so very familiar with.

"Good morning Sollux!" A soft voice came from behind me. I spun around and saw my neighbor, Kanaya Lalonde. She was currently holding hands with her child, Valentina. I had babysat Valentina, she's a good kid. To cute for her own good though, I swear she could sucker me into doing almost anything and everything. I smiled to Kanaya and waved.

"Good morning Kan." I bent down to Valentina's height and bopped her nose. "And good morning Val." She giggled and papped me on the face. I chuckled, if only I could actually fucking STAY in a relationship but no. They always end up badly.

"Good morning Sol! I'm going to the zoo with mommy while mommy works!" She sqeauled as the three of us walked to the elevator and pushed the button to the lobby.

"Really? That'th amazing! What animal are you gonna see first?" She smiled up at me.

"The lions! Roar!" She cheered then we finally made it to the lobby. Kanaya smiles down at her child with a motherly look, she was always so motherly to me and I loved her for it.

"Well, you two have fun." I gave them a thumbs up, Kanaya smiled and we bided our farewells to each other. I got out to the apartment parking lot in the back and pressed the button on my keys that unlocked my car. My car beeped and I opened the door hopped in and thus my day began.


"Hi, welcome to Thtarbuckth. How may I take your order?" I asked the microphone on the headset I was wearing. I was very unaware that my friend were the ones on the other side.

"Yeah, can I get a dick-uccino? Extra jizz. What do you want Aradia?" Dave asks.

"I'll get a pussy-panini, and an extra thick ass." Aradia stated. "Terezi?"

"I'll get a burger." And with that everyone in the car began to explode with laughter. I attempted to keep my laughs in, a slight chuckle erupted from my mouth every now and then.

"Oh my god, get you're asses in here." I managed between laughs. They all complied and came in the coffee shop.
The second they busted into the coffee shop they erupted into song. They were singing happy birthday and in that moment I realized that it was MY birthday.

After they finished the song I stared at Dave dead in the face and said. "It'th my brithday?"

"Are you fucking stupid?" Dave snickered leaning in the counter.

"I guess tho." I laughed. I gave my shift to a fellow employee and we all sat down at one of the empty booths in the store. We sat for a while, talking about random shit, laughing, and stuff along those lines.

"Ok, tonight I am making you're birthday the best fucking birthday." Dave began. "Guess what I have in mind."

"Murder?" Terezi asked.

"Skydiving?" Aradia guessed

"Even better," Dave dramatically took off his shades.

"We are going to a gay-bar."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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