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(A/N- Hello Everyone! We hope you enjoy this this story as much as we enjoyed writing it! Even though this is a one-shot there WILL be a sequel, so please follow! Anyways... ENJOY!)

"Alec!" He heard Jace's scream at the last second. He was standing on the balance beam in the training room as he saw a knife coming towards him. He ducked right as the blade neared his face.

"Really Jace!?! How the hell did you miss that bad? The targets on the other side if the room!?" Alec yelled.

"Must be genetic," Izzy muttered.

"Oh please, I could never miss THAT bad! I was just making sure you were alive. You look really out of it today, Alec." Jace said.

It was true, Alec wasn't feeling great today. He wasn't sure what it was, but he felt like he was just a ghost walking without his body. Alec hoped he snapped out of it. He and Magnus had a date tonight. It was their three year anniversary. Three years, he thought to himself, they were the best three years of my life. They had been through more in those three years than any normal couple would go through in a lifetime! They had had fights, but in the end nothing could keep them apart.

"Well, that makes it even better. I look like I'm not paying attention so you throw stuff at me!" Alec leaped down from the beam. Jace smiled as he pushed Alec, who stumbled.

"Wow, can't even keep your balance?" Jace teased. With that, Alec chased after Jace who had begun to run for his life. Alec smiled as he chased his parabatai, his mind temporally preoccupied. With a flip over the weapons table he was able to catch Jace, taking him to the ground in a not so graceful way. The two wrestled for a while, Izzy standing aside and laughing.

"Well, looks like I might be missing quite the party." Alec sat up as he recognized the voice.

"Magnus!" Alec smiled.

"No no please continue. Just let me join in!" Magnus cooed suggestively. Jace made a face as Alec elbowed him in the ribs. He ran over to his warlock, arms locking around each other. They may have been dating for a while, but every time they saw each other it was like they hadn't seen each other in a thousand years, no wait, it was like falling in love all over again. Magnus leaned down and pressed his lips to Alec's. Alec pressed himself into Magnus, as if they could become one. Magnus's hands made their way to Alec's hair as he deepened the kiss. Jace cleared his throat. Alec groaned around the kiss but he felt Magnus's lips spread in a smile.

"More to come.." He said with a wink. Alecs cheeks burned as he too smiled. "We should get going," Magnus said. "Bye guys!" They said to Jace and Izzy as they exited the training room.

"Have fun you two!" Izzy said with a smile creeping on her lips. They were walking through the halls hand in hand when they saw Robert, Alec's father, walking towards them with a disapproving look on his face.

"Hello Mr. Lightwood!" Magnus said cheerfully.

"Mr. Bane," Robert said with so much dread it made Alec cringe.

"Oh, no, it's okay dad it's not like we've been dating for three years. It's not like you could be nice for once. Geez that would just kill you wouldn't it?" Alec said as he realized his bad mood from earlier was still there.

"It's okay Alexander, really-" Magnus was cut off by Robert, "I'm sorry, son but I'm not going to be nice to something I don't support."

"You know what? No. You're not allowed to call me your son anymore! If you won't accept us you shouldn't be apart of our lives!" Alec said as he clutched Magnus's hand harder and dragged him out of the institute. Once they were outside Alec lost it.

Rescued (A Malec one-shot)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now