Chapter 4: Revenges are wanted

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One of the chosen's POV

I woke up to someone screaming in agony, I have to help them!! Even through I didn't now where I was, I bolted in the direction of the screams until I reached the border of the jungle. I looked around to see a house in the distance, I ran as fast as I can to it and broke down the door to find a dead person on the floor and 2 girls.

One was crying and the other was comforting them, they looked up and the crying girl looked terrified at me. I guess the dead person was their friend, I walked up to her, "Hey, are you alright...? I heard screaming and ran here, what happened?"

"I ki- Someone s-sneaked into our house and k-killed... Our friend... As you can s-see..." I saw the other girl's eyes widen but she nodded. "Mind if I take a look at your friend?" They nodded and the girl in blue held her close as the other closed her eyes.

I lifted the dead boy up and my widen. Tears flowed down my cheek as I reconized him... Jerome... He was my bestfriend... WHAT SICK PERSON WOULD KILL HIM!? HE'S SO NICE!! I LOVED HIM, WHOEVER YOU ARE I WILL FIND YOU AND SHOVE MY SWORD DOWN YOUR THROAT!! I felt anger raise in me as I slammed my fist down on the hard wooden floor.

The girl flitched as I stood up, "Sorry... This friend of yours... Was actually my friend too... I also had a c-crush on him!" I burst out crying harder, the girl who was crying suddenly froze as the other girl went and hug me.

I look up to see the other girl started shaking but she went and hug me anyways, "I promise we'll get that... Killer." The girl who was still shaking said. "Yeah, we promise." The girl in blue said.

"You can stay with us if you want, what's your name? I'm Yumi and that's Andi." Yumi said softly, "Y-yeah, that would be great. My name is Mitch, nice to meet you." Andi just nod and went upstairs to where I'm guessing her room is.

Suddenly an Enderman teleports in and grabbed Jerome's body and teleports away with it before we could do anything. I felt tears started flowing down my cheek again as I burry my face in her hoddie. "Shh... It's okay Mitch, we got 3 spares room so chose which one who want, they're in different colors as well."

I nod as she led me up to the rooms, one was purple, one was yellow and the last one was red so took the red one since it was my favourite color. I settled down on my new bed, I cried until I fell asleep.


The game master's POV

I sat on my throne as the Enderman came back with Jerome's body, "Tsk, I thought you would've last longer, you're the second hunger game master and you let a girl kill you!? I choose you because I thought you were strong! Now look, your friend is crying like a baby because of your death! I'm DISAPPOINTED IN YOU! SEND HIM BACK TO THE OVERWORLD! I'm going to chose a replacement... Hm... How about Doni, yes that owl hybird! Send him in! THiS iS GoNnA Be InTerEsTIng! "


Andi's POV

This awful! Apsolutely AWFUL!! AWFUL!! He is going to kill me is he finds out! But... Who said he will? I gotta keep this away from him, Yumi is playing along so it's fine. I can't have him find out... I laid in my bed, I sigh as I thought of what would happen next. Why me of all people! Herobrine just had to chose me! I'm just a drop of water in the sea!

I heard a knock on the door so I stood up and opened the door revealing Yumi. "Can I come in?" I nodded and let her through. We sat on my bed and talked for a bit until it was really late. "We better get to sleep, it's not good staying up all night..." She mumbled something at the end but I couldn't hear her so I choose to ingore it.

She walked back to her room as sigh once again and laid down on my bed but I couldn't. I feel like something is gonna happen, someone is gonna die or something if I do... I sat up and tried to shook off the feeling by splashing my face with water but it was still there! I can't help but think something bad is gonna happen. Maybe something is gonna happen? I just can't tell which I wish I did! I swear if this keeps increasing I won't be able to handle this all 'Okay, okay Andi keep calm' I slowly breath in and out and I go to my room and looked out the window I can't help but wonder what's happening right now...

One of the chosen's POV

I was sitting near pond it was actually quite nice outside, I look down at the water and see myself I sigh 'Damnit Grape!' I thought and I heard a noise I look around seeing nothing just some pigs and chickens Hm... I the look back and was lost in thoughts and I heard it again! This time I stood up and look around me "Okay who the fuck are you!?" I cussed out but they were annoying me! I take out my bow ready to fight whoever or whatever this is! I wasn't that scared cause of all the UHC's I did and survival games I could just brag about of what I all did but no, there's something around me and I don't like it I swear if Grape is trolling me Ugh..

I heard no response till I heard something this time I aim where I heard it, and I heard a squeak 'Oh shit' I ran to where my arrow went and seen someone on the ground and the arrow was in their back...  they were already damaged enough I go on my knees and I try to at least to help him, her? Whatever! They were hyperventilating and it was making me panic "Calm down! Breath!" I said but it didn't help at all I held my head unsure of what to do and soon they were crying out some words 'Rob'.

They were now on their side and they looked at me "I'm sorry.." I apologized I see a bit of blood dripping from their nose and mouth, and they were slowly losing consciousness and I shake my head I look seeing a scarf  and it hit me... it was like this creeper scarf 'Ant..', I grabbed it and was looking at it for awhile till an enderman came near me I back up, seeing its purple eyes.. it glance at me once and grabbed the body and teleported away with him, I got up and got out of there I killed an innocent man! As walking I heard thunder and a bit of lightning.

Sorry I can't fix this but I am sorry, I didn't even know them...

{ S e c o n d  F a l l e n  P r e s t o n  }

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