Chapter 10

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Upon the following morning, Haruta woke up in Yotsuha's body once again. He clearly remembered the events of that night and how nauseous he felt before he had gone to his bed (which was only used in a total of 3 times). When he finally felt like opening his eyes, he noticed that he wasn't in his room. He assumed that he was once again in the girl's room as he sees the colour of the sheets were a pale lavender colour. He was a bit too tired to analyse the situation properly, but he knew that he might be able to survive the day.

He dreadfully put on her uniform and begun to do what he likes doing most. Checking if people did the 'basic' questions right. He reviewed over her study notes and checked her homework (which to his surprised, were almost all done). He even wrote up an essay about his thoughts on a theory that was due the following month. He glossed over her notes about it and attempted to make sure that he was writing down her opinions not his.

He finally left the room at 7:00 feeling hungry and finally noticed the sound of snoring. He analysed the source of the sound and concluded that it was located SSE of where he was standing. He unlocked the door and noticed the sister of the girl still sleeping. He started to shake her body which resulted with a smack in the face.

"Stop that Yotsuha...." She mumbled. "It's 5:00am..."

"I-it's actually 7:05am." He corrected her. He watched her zoom out of the room in the speed of light then returned with her work uniform done.

"WHY TODAY OF ALL DAYS!" She yelled as she escaped to the door with her train pass. Haruta looked back then sighs. He then searched for a book on the bookshelves and set a timer for 30 minutes. He left the balcony and sat in a chair. He was surprisingly taking this swap well.

Yotsuha wasn't so lucky on noticing the differences. There were so many clues she was in the boy's room, the fact that the sheets were plain white, the windows were practically shut and she couldn't hear her sister's snoring were big statements that would usually make her go 'where am i?'. What was bothering her usual hyper senses was a big headache. Even though by now she had opened her eyes and hadn't moved yet, her vision was flipped upside down. She groaned from the pain which afterwards she heard footsteps aproaching the room.

Please tell me that it isn't a murderer.

To what she would then usually feel relief, it was just Akane dressed in all black with a mask. Not to her relief, Yotsuha didn't know that it was Akane.

"I told you to sleep!" Akane scolded her. Her eyes looked what resembled concerned to rage in just one moment. Yotsuha shrieked and hid under the covers and cowered in fear.

This is how I'm going to die.

Her head started to throb and her heart rate started to rise. She heard more footsteps approaching the room. She finally uncovered herself so that her eyes can follow the situation outside. For some reason, she could calculate that the person will take around 2.82 seconds to get to the room.

"Akane? You shouldn't bother Haruta. Oh, you're up!" An man walked into the room with his apron still on. "Here's some chicken soup! Sorry it couldn't be more special."

"Stop being a big baby Haruta!" Akane scolded her once again.

"Sorry?" Yotsuha barely replied. Her voice sounded so hoarse she even startled herself. It felt like chalk was tickling the back of her throat and that she was about to vomit at any minute.

"DRINK THE SOUP." The brother forcefully fed her the soup. Ignoring the forceful action, Yotsuha found the soup very delicious.

Yotsuha tossed and groaned and almost cried when Fuyuki told her she can stay in bed. Thank goodness. She checked Haruta's phone and scrolled through the mountains of reminders.

'Finish chapters 50-70'

Yotsuha almost choked. 20 chapters? 20. In this situation, she would most likely faint. However, she didn't. She felt like she could do this. She struggled to get to the desk and opened the book, skimming through the math problems that should've been used in university exams. Her hands gripped to pen and before she knew it, she had done half of the work. Her hands stopped, but she felt no exhaustion.

"HARUTA! Can you help me?" Akane approached her with a booklet about science and chemistry. Her face looked like she had tried asking so many times but never had gotten a response. Her eyes shown sarcasm and she probably doesn't actually need her help. Her face went to disbelief when Yotsuha responded with,

"Sure." Yotsuha made her way towards her trying to fall and walked her through the basics of science. The conversation however somehow made it to so many random things that they can't tell you what they were about. When Akane had to leave to meet up with her friends (at least she had a social life, Yotsuha wondered). Yotsuha walked out to the balcony. Suddenly, a wave of relief went through her for a moment.

Haruta looked to his right and saw... him. He didn't react or speak and he didn't react or speak. They just stared at each other before Haruta's alarm went off. He immediately left and grabbed the bag of the school supplies.

Once he arrived there, it was still pretty early. Usually, he would know exactly how long it would take but right now he didn't care. He didn't care. Wow. He only worried about the interaction with his piers and about his math and English grades. Which wasn't his.

He didn't know what was wrong with himself. He felt healthy, he felt great! He went through Yotsuha's day like usual and was just enjoying himself. He didn't care when someone shouted out the wrong answer, he just sat down and shut his mouth.

When he returned home that afternoon he left a sticky note in Yotsuha's desk.

Be more carefree.

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