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I don't wanna ruin the mood

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I don't wanna ruin the mood. Hi, hello. Lyk I promised sksksks. Lol no h8 only luv.


Changbin wanted to ask about last night but he couldn't. He, himself, doesn't even know what was really up so he stayed silent. He was dead worried and tried to shake off the tension in him but it comes back when he slips off into space. But, how could he know if he won't ask? He was too much of a coward that it holds him far back and it was quite upsetting. Yet how could you blame a timid person?

The weekend passed by like a leaf floating in the wind. It was the start of exam weeks. It was going to be busier than ever. To say that Felix looked fine, was an understatement. He actually looked dull like a star that lost its shine. It was a sudden downfall. He always had an expression which Changbin couldn't guess of. His brows were furrowed, his eyes were void but his mind seemed to be somewhere. Somewhere that Changbin wasn't. When he tried to approach the younger, he would be oblivious and see him as a blank space, as if he was thin air then slip into his room without a word and locking himself inside. Though it wasn't just him that was ignored, but the other guys in the house, too. It's just school, Changbin thought. It was normal. It was nothing serious.

But he knew it wasn't.

After a couple of weeks, Minho then tried to face him, head on on a Friday night.

Boy, was it a mistake.

"He-hey, Felix?" Minho called as soon as he saw Felix enter the house. "Uh, could you help us with dinner? You know, to have fun since the exams are now over and also to take the bum away. Cooking helps relieve stress." While Minho was busy talking, Felix seemed rude and was busy untying his shoes. "Felix..."

"Hm?" Felix hummed nonchalantly as if he had not heard his hyung talking. Minho tried to compose himself and suck in a deep breath.

"I was asking if do you wanna cook with us? You're not yourself lately. I don't want you to have such burden on your shoulders. Your grades are gonna be fine, I promise," Minho smiled softly.

Felix slipped off his shoes and stood still, staring at him blankly. "I'm sorry. I can't today, hyung."

"You know, just for tonight. Come on," Minho pleaded and showed his pouting face.

"I'm sorry but I can't," Felix rejected him once again and Minho was starting to get upset. He couldn't really understand why Felix was acting like this. He just wanted his bubbly self back. He can't cope up with this kind of person.

And before Felix could slip into his room once again, Minho smashed a plate which caused a loud shattering noise that caught all the attention of people in the house. Then all the boys were out to witness what was happening.

"Why are you like this, Felix?" Minho's eyes began to pool with tears. He let out a shaky breath and clenched his fists. "What's the cause of you being like this?! You were never like this! Never had! Are you finally having your brain get lost?! What's wrong with you? You always hung out with me, with us! Why don't you do that anymore? We miss you so fucking much to the point we're getting sick of you just entering your room doing God knows what! Are we that annoying to you? Or have you lost your mind?" Minho scoffed and Jisung was now behind him, holding his shoulder to keep him sane at the least. "You're just 18 Felix, but you seem more stressed out than all of the older people here. When have you been so disrespectful that you even ignore when your hyungs call you?! Is this your true color?! Because if that's it then talk to us so we can be a better version of ourselves, not abandon us! I just want to hang out with you because I miss you so damn much! You're my best friend! But it feels like you've forgotten me!" He cried and then his tears then did fall, damping his cheeks.

Felix's whole body trembled. He couldn't feel anything right now, not guilt but grief. Out of all emotions he could feel, it was grief. He felt as if his body was numb, his feet nailed to the ground.

All eyes were on him, except for one missing pair.


Felix tried to call out his name but his mouth went dry. Everything was happening so fast around him. They all tried to calm Minho down.

Then beads of tears escaped pass his eyes that caught all the attention back to him. It was weird because he cried but he had no sound. It was like all life around him was put on mute, like he was getting deaf.

He thought to himself that he must be going crazy. He laughed humorlessly at nothing. All the guys began asking him if what was wrong, was he okay, was he fine. And he was none of it. It seemed as if his eyes cried a river because it wet his clothes like sweat. He couldn't even understand himself right now.

And then he felt a pair of warm arms around him and it took him away from insanity and brought him comfort.

His head rested at the older's shoulder, his face buried in the crook of his neck. He smelt like fresh Jasmines, he felt like the cool breeze in Autumn, he felt like an umbrella sheltering him from the rain, he felt like a warm blanket in the cold winter.

He felt at home in Changbin's arms.

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