Part three

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I had woke up at 5:30.I got up and looked over and Toni and Cheryl where gone.I looked in the living room and Sweet pea and Fangs where gone to.They must of went home early.I went back in my room and threw some clothes on.

I got on my motorcycle and drove to Riverdale high school

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I got on my motorcycle and drove to Riverdale high school.I got there and parked with the rest of the serpents.i walked up to where Toni,Cheryl,Sweet pea,and Fangs. "You ready to do this Jones"Sweet pea said. "Now or never"I said back.We opened the doors and walked in.Everyone was starring some even started to whistle.We got up to the desk and a raven haired girl said "Welcome to Riverdale high".We have your schedules and locker numbers on this sheet"she said. "My name is Veronica"the girl said. "My name is Archie"Some redhead said. "Hey my name is Reggie"Some guy said.Reggie they took my hand and kissed it.Veronica looked jealous but I just felt uncomfortable.I then pulled my hand back as the bell rung.I go to my locker and get my books and head to class.I had my class with Cheryl and Toni.I sat right in the middle of them.Once class was over we walked in the Student Lounge.A kid with a beanie walked up to me and said "Hi I'm Jughead Cooper". "Betty Jones"I said.Veronica then walked in and said "look it's the serpent slut". I then stood up and said "Don't test me Bitch".She just laughed and walked up to me and said "Oh but I want to....see your just some little slut".I snapped and punched her right in the face she fell to the ground.She then got up and tried to punch me I grabbed her fist in mid air.She looked shocked.I punched her again she fell and I jumped on her and started punching her.Sweet pea and Fangs then walked in and grabbed me off of Veronica.Every one was clapping and patting me on the back.Some guy called Chuck apparently was Veronica's boyfriend.He pushes me up against the wall and everyone gasped.He tried to punch me but Toni and Cheryl pulled him off of me.We all three started to punch him until he fell to the ground.We then walked out of the student lounge and got on our motorcycles and went to the Whyte Wyrm.We all three got drunk.We woke up on the couch in the Whyte Wyrm and we all went back to our house.

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