Part five

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"Hey Betty"I said. "Yeah Jughead"Betty said. "I need to tell you something"I said. " Yeah What is it"She said as she sat on the couch. "It's just that...."I said. "What is it Jughead"She said as we looked in each other's eyes.We then both leaned in and kissed it was a passionate kiss we pulled away for air. "Wow" i said. "Yeah wow"She said.Her phone then rang she got up and answered it. "Hey Toni what's up"She said. "No it's okay really.Don't do anything Toni it's okay"She said and hung up. "What did Toni want"I said. "She figured out about Sweet pea but it's okay"I said. "Betty are you sure your okay"I said. "Of course I am"Betty said. "well I'm going to go get changed for school"She said as she walked back to her room.

Today's Monday the worst day ever.I still can't believe Jughead kissed me.That made today the best day ever.Well now I have to pick out clothes let's see what to wear.I threw some pants on,with a black and white blouse,and white converse.

I threw some pants on,with a black and white blouse,and white converse

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I got ready and walked out of my room. "Come on jug we can't be late for school"I said.

Sorry guys I've been going to school so the story's might be short but I'll post one tonight.

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