Chapter - 51

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If all else perished and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained and he were annihilated, the universe would turn into a mighty stranger.
~ Emily Brontë, Wuthering Hights.


He fucked up.

Like always.

Staring at the girl sitting opposite of him, he tries to find his girl in her because she is not really his girl at the moment. She has turned herself into someone else just to prove him she's not naive or embarrassing like he thinks. She couldn't be more far from the truth and there is no one else but he is at fault. He is the one who drove her to do something he knows she'd never do.

His Ray is just too pure for a fucked up place like this, too pure for him and his dark word. Anyone in this fucking room can see just how special and unique she is.

And fucking hell she is his!

He aches to go there and pull her in his arm, away from all the prying eyes. He wants her captivating eyes, her attention solely on him. He craves for her body, her heart and her soul to entirely belong to him and he won't settle for anything less. He wants to take care of her, be everything she needs but seeing her sad is like bullets piercing his black soul.

He deserves to bleed for being the reason of her sadness. It's as if every time he tries to keep her away from his darkness he ends up hurting her.

What the fuck is he supposed to do?

His body trembles with uncontrollable fury when the fucker touches her. He wants nothing more than to break every single bone of the bastard's body. His beast trapped inside is crawling the wall of its cage, fighting to take control and show everyone who she belongs to. He so fucking wants to give in and let the beast take over just to teach every fucker eying his girl a lesson to remember for lifetime.

But he also knows that, that would scare his girl away, for good and he can't let that happen.


So using every ounce of force he tries to subside the beast. He struggles, it seems an almost impossible task to push back the beast when it comes to his girl. The beast suddenly silences for a moment after seeing his girl cringing away from that fucker's filthy touch. It gives him a great pleasure that she is repulsed by any other males advances.

Though he knows his beast is silent but it only needs one wrong move and no one, not even him, would be able to control it. Like a storm, it will not stop until it has its beauty back in his arm.

Until it claims her back!



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