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Jeongguk woke up to the constant vibration of his phone

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Jeongguk woke up to the constant vibration of his phone. He ran his hand through his messy brown hair and squinted at his bright phone screen.

It was 3 AM and Jimin was calling him. Jeongguk's eyes widened, worried about the safety of the boy he's become attached to over the past few weeks. He quickly pressed the 'accept' button.

 He quickly pressed the 'accept' button

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Jimin sounded scared and Jeongguk swears he heard a group of louder voices getting closer to Jimin as they spoke

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Jimin sounded scared and Jeongguk swears he heard a group of louder voices getting closer to Jimin as they spoke.

Jeongguk hopped out of bed and put on his shoes, grabbing his car keys as he ran out the door.

He heard a small 'ding' as Jimin sent Jeongguk his location, and Jeongguk quickly programmed his GPS to take him there.

Jeongguk was going approximately 25 over the speed limit to get to Jimin, it showed he was in some alleyway, probably hiding from whatever danger he got himself involved with.

Jeongguk quickly pulled up to the curb and put his car in park. He hopped out of the car and began to walk towards where his phone indicated Jimin was.

"Please...I-I don't want any trouble..." A soft voice squeaked out followed by loud laughter.

"Oh really? Then why was someone as cute as you walking around so late? Huh baby?" Jeongguk watched as the men harassed the boy as he curled up into himself more, squeezing his eyes tightly and praying for the help he called for.

"Hey! Back off, leave him alone."

"And why should we? You know him?" The man throws his head towards Jimin, whose eyes open to see his soon to be savior.

The three men walk up to Jeongguk, spitting on the ground and cracking their knuckles as 'intimidation' tactics.

Jeongguk tilted his head and curved his eyebrow upwards before slamming his fist into the first guy's face, leaving him clutching his face in pain.

"You bitch!" The other two guys attack at the same time and Jeongguk hears Jimin gasp.

Jeongguk kicks the guy on the left in the stomach and simultaneously pushes the man on the right into the alley wall while his muscular arm pushed against his neck.

Jeongguk throws a wink over to Jimin while the guy taps on his arm begging for air.

Jeongguk turns his head to the man and his eyes darken when he spits out, "Leave. Now."

The three men scurry out of the alleyway, sending fearful glances to Jeongguk.

Jimin is curled up into a ball, shaking. His teary eyes look up into the eyes of his savior.

Jeongguk crouches down to Jimin's level and gently places a kiss to the top of his head. Jimin automatically wraps his arms around Jeongguk's neck and hugs him.

Jeongguk easily picks up the smaller man, holding him close to his own chest.

"Let's get you out of here." Jimin nods against Jeongguk's chest, shaky breaths exiting his mouth.

Jeongguk places Jimin in the passenger seat of his car, buckling him securely in. He gets in the driver's side and turns the ignition.

"Give me your address, I'll take you home." Jimin nods and types in his address on the GPS.

The ride isn't far but it's filled with the shaky breaths of the boy in the passenger seat. Half way back to Jimin's apartment Jeongguk gently places his hand on Jimin's thigh, rubbing comforting circles on his leg. Jimin lays his smaller hand on top of Jeongguk's, loosely gripping it.

They arrive at the apartment complex's parking lot. Jeongguk looks over to Jimin who glances at Jeongguk before looking out the window at the building.

"C-come inside for a bit?" Jimin softly asks the boy next to him.

Jeongguk smiles at Jimin, hand gliding across Jimin's blonde locks, "Of course."

They walk up to Jimin's apartment building and arrive at his door. Jimin quickly presses the code to unlock his door and pushes it open, signalling for Jeongguk to follow.

Jeongguk looked around, observing the cute mugs on the kitchen counter, the shelf of movies in the living room and the small night light in the hallway leading to the bedroom area. It smelled like strawberries and vanilla.

Jimin grabbed Jeongguk's hand and gently pulled him to the couch, patting next to him to tell him to sit.

"So tell me, how did you get yourself into that mess?"

Jimin looked at Jeongguk and then at the fridge in the kitchen. His puffy eyes, red from crying, shifted around nervously.

"I...wanted a snack. I didn't have anything I wanted so I walked to the cornerstore and on my way back those guys surrounded me. I had a chance to hide for a minute so I called you. I'm sorry." Tears fill Jimin's eyes and one slips down his soft cheek.

Jeongguk brings his thumb up to Jimin's face and gently swipes away the tear, allowing his hand to stay and caress his features, "Never be sorry Jiminie, I'm just glad I saved you in time."

Jimin smiled softly and embraced Jeongguk, breathing into his comforting scent. Jeongguk squeezed the smaller boy and rubbed small circles on his back.

"Tuck me in?" Jimin smiled sweetly at Jeongguk who chuckled in response.

"Of course."

Jimin pulled Jeongguk by his hand into his room. As Jimin grabbed some clothes to change into and ran into the bathroom, Jeongguk sat at the edge of the bed and admired the room.

Pictures of Jimin and Taehyung covered the top of the dresser. A polka dotted piggy bank leaned against the small mirror, a small piece of lined paper stuck out of it and Jeongguk was about to lift it out when Jimin came running out of the bathroom and tackled him with a hug.

"Bear hug!" Jimin squeezed tightly and Jeongguk laughed while hugging him back.

Jimin climbed under the covers and laid on his back, smiling up at Jeongguk who looked down at him from the edge.

Jeongguk clicked the lamp off and kissed Jimin on the forehead, "Goodnight, Jiminie."

Just as Jeongguk was about to make his way to the door a small hand wrapped itself around his wrist, tugging at it softly. Jeongguk looked back to see a worried Jimin.

"Stay? Please."

Jeongguk without hesitation slid under the covers next to Jimin, pulling him close.

One arm placed around Jimin's waist and his opposite hand buried in his fluff of blonde hair, both Jimin and Jeongguk drifted off to sleep.

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I'm all for feedback and ways I can improve!

Love you all and have the BEST day :)

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