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Jimin stopped in front of the apartment door belonging to the boy that broke his heart. He breathed in slowly before knocking firmly two times.

Jimin listened to the rustle of someone coming to open the door. The staggering footsteps made their way to the door, which opened only a second later.

Jeongguk's eyes widened as he saw the smaller boy before him. The boy that owns his heart.

"Oh lookie it's Jiminie. Bye bye now I can't talk." Jeongguk goes to shut the door but misses and falls into the doorway instead. He puts his hands on the doorway to support himself and attempts to close the door again but is stopped by a small voice.

"Are you...drunk?" Jimin stares at Jeongguk, inspecting his darkened under eyes and scrunched eyebrows. Jeongguk's eyes shifted uncomfortably under Jimin's gaze.

"You...don't have to worry about me anymore. Just go." Jeongguk turns around and walks back inside, stumbling over his own feet and leaving the door wide open.

Jimin sighed nervously before stepping inside the apartment and shutting the door softly behind him.

Jimin looks around the room, admiring small family pictures and inhaling the scent of Jeongguk's cologne. He looked over to Jeongguk laying on the couch, The Notebook playing on the screen in front of him and 4 empty bottles of beer covering the ground.

"So...will you tell me-"

"Didn't I tell you to leave?" Jeongguk's eyes stay focused on the television.

"I just want to know why-"

"I said leave. I don't want you here." Jeongguk takes a sip out of his fifth beer and wipes his mouth with his sleeve.

"But I just wanted to ask one thin-"

"LEAVE! GET OUT! DON'T COME BACK! WHAT DON'T YOU GET, JIMIN?" Jimin flinched backwards, hitting the wall behind him.

"What doesn't little Jiminie get about what I'm saying? I said I don't want you here. I don't need you here. I'm fine." Jeongguk pushed himself up off of the couch and took a step closer to Jimin with each word he spat out.

"Go. Home. Jimin. Just leave already." Jimin's breath hitched in his throat as tears glassed over his eyes.

Jeongguk was so close. Jimin could smell the beer in his breath, overpowering the scent of his cologne.

Jimin carefully-cautiously-brought his face towards Jeongguk's, pressing a small kiss onto his lips.

"Okay I'll go. I'm sorry." Jimin began to walk towards the door when Jeongguk grabbed his wrist.

"I-," Jeongguk's voiced cracked as the tears began to fall, "I'm so sorry. I'm just so scared, Jiminie." Jeongguk collapsed onto Jimin, hugging him so tight Jimin felt he might burst.

Jimin ran his hand through Jeongguk's hair reassuringly.

"It's okay. We can talk when you're sobered up. For now let's get all this cleaned up and you in bed, alright?" Jeongguk nodded in Jimin's neck.

Jimin supported Jeongguk as he found his way to the bedroom. He layed Jeongguk down onto the bed and pulled the covers over him. Jimin walked back out into the living room to clean up the beer bottles and turn off the TV.

Once the bottles had been picked up and the television was shut off, Jimin made his way back to the bedroom.

He quietly pushed open the door. Jeongguk was almost asleep, his eyes closed for longer intervals each time they blinked.

Jimin slid under the covers next to him and draped his arm around Jeongguk's waist, laying his head on his chest.

Jimin felt as Jeongguk's breathing became softer and shallower, signalling that he was asleep.

Jimin felt the buzz of his phone and took it out of his pocket, careful not to wake the younger boy up.

Incoming Message from: TaeTae🐯
Yes | No

hey just wanted to check in
you haven't texted for a little over an hour
I just got worried
did he let you in?

he was drunk tae
really drunk
he's asleep now and I'm with him so he's okay
I'll have him explain everything to me when he wakes up

okay be careful
just call me if you need anything

of course thanks tae

Jimin set his phone on the bedside table, the boy next to him slightly rustling.

Jimin looked at Jeongguk's face, no longer scrunched up in pain and fear while asleep.

Jimin cuddled more into Jeongguk's chest as he wrapped his arms around Jimin. Jimin soon followed Jeongguk's lead and drifted off to sleep, eager to hear the story behind his tragedy.

• • •

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