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okay change of plans
we're coming now

okay I'm not home yet but you know where the key is

I literally love you
thank you


Jeongguk's phone was already buzzing to life with his father's name plastered at the top. He declined the call with shaky hands and then switched off his location as they got to the car.

"Whatever you do, don't answer those calls."

"I'm sorry Jimin. This is all my fault."

"You haven't done anything wrong. We're going to Taehyung's now so we'll be good for a bit." Jeongguk put his head in his hands, distressed at their situation.

"You deserve better."

"No. You do. You deserve better than some abusive father. I won't let him have his way."

The two pulled up to Taehyung's apartment building, quickly getting out of the car, fearful of being seen.

Jimin slides the key out from under the potted plant and unlocks the door, pulling Jeongguk in behind him before closing the door securely.

As they got situated in the spare room Jimin's phone began buzzing incessantly. He looked down at the screen to see an unknown number. He showed the screen to Jeongguk whose eyes widened.

"That's my dad's number."

"How did he get mine?"

"I told you he just finds a way. It's only a matter of time before he pulls up here."

Jimin runs his hand through his blond locks, biting his lower lip in thought. Jeongguk pulls at his fingers nervously.

"Well, we'll figure things out when they get here. For now, let's just lay low." Jeongguk nods.

The two sit next to each other on the couch, intensely watching an episode of Ghost Adventures. Just as one of the ghost hunters asked if anyone was there the doorknob to the apartment started to turn.

Jimin, scared out of his mind, mutters out, "Okay that's either a ghost, your dad or Taehyung. Which one do you think it is?"

Jeongguk responded, with the same intensity, "I would say Taehyung is the most likely since it's his apartment, however, I have an irrational fear that my dad might walk in any second so there's that."

They both hold onto each other tightly as the door swings open revealing none other than-


"What the hell are you knuckleheads up to?" Taehyung cocks an eyebrow at the two scared boys on his couch.

Jimin whispers out, "Ghost Adventures."

Taehyung gives the two an 'are you kidding me' look before throwing a bag down on the table announcing, "Well, I got you guys some food so eat up."

Jimin and Jeongguk hungrily run to the table, opening the bag of food and licking their lips.

After they ate to their heart's content they both walked lazily to their room, thanking Taehyung for everything before shutting the door.

They crawled into bed, cuddling up next to each other. Jimin looked at Jeongguk, who looked down at him. Jimin leans up and presses a kiss to Jeongguk's lips.

"So, how long do you think we have before your dad finds us?"

Jeongguk looks up towards the ceiling in thought, "Maybe a few days."

"That's enough time for us to prepare at least."

"Prepare for what? Our deaths?" Jeongguk took his bottom lip in his mouth, chewing on it nervously.

"No. Prepare to shut him down for good. He needs to accept how you are and if he can't do that he doesn't have a place in your life at all. I'm not letting him run your life forever, Jeongguk."

Jeongguk pulls Jimin closer to his chest, burying his face into the top of Jimin's head, breathing in his comforting scent.

"Thank you. I never thought I could ever stand up to him. I spent my whole life running but never got away. Maybe this will finally be my chance."

Jimin nods against Jeongguk's chest, eyes suddenly heavy with sleepiness.

"I hope so. I just want you to be happy."

Jeongguk kisses the top of Jimin's head before resting his chin on top of it, sighing in exhaustion and nervousness.

"I want you to be happy too."

Jimin slightly squeezes Jeongguk before sleep fully overtakes him, leaving Jeongguk staring at the wall in silence.

Jeongguk whispers to himself in the quiet room, "No matter how scared I am, I will never let you get hurt, Jiminie."

Jimin slightly rustles in his sleep, moving closer unconsciously. Jeongguk wraps his arms securely around Jimin before allowing himself to drift off to sleep.

• • •

oof this is kinda rough

I'll try to update again today but no promises :)


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