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Jeongguk awoke with a pounding headache. He glanced over to the bedside table to see two tablets and a glass of water for him to take.

He grabbed the pills and washed them down with the water. He rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes as the events from the previous night flooded in.


Where is he?

Jeongguk then heard the sound of clattering pans coming from the kitchen. The smell of bacon and pancakes drifted in through the cracked door.

Jeongguk lifted himself up, stumbling slightly because of his still present headache. He staggered to the door and made his way towards the kitchen.

Jeongguk just leaned against the counter silently and watched Jimin cook. The bacon was sizzling and fresh out of the oven. The pancake batter was being carefully poured into small circles on the wide pan. Jimin momentarily glanced over his shoulder and saw Jeongguk standing there.

"Hey there, sleepyhead. I decided to make breakfast for you, I hope you don't mind. Did you take the medicine I left for you?" Jeongguk nodded his head up and down.

"Th-," Jeongguk's throat was dry and his voice was so raspy he could barely choke the words out, but nevertheless he got out his small, "Thank you."

Jimin nodded his head silently, focused on the food in front of him.

Once the food was ready a heaping plate was placed in front of Jeongguk.

"I guess I should explain-" Jimin pressed his finger onto Jeongguk's lips.

"First, eat. And then we'll talk." Jeongguk nodded hesitantly and began shoving food in his mouth, just realizing how hungry he actually was.

Once finished with his food Jeongguk looked over to Jimin sitting in the other chair. Jimin gets up and holds his hand out for Jeongguk to take.

Jeongguk lightly holds the hand that guides him to sit on his couch. They face each other and Jimin breathes in deeply and exhales.

"So...do you want to explain?"

Jeongguk paused, playing with his fingers nervously.

"My dad. He's really homophobic and...he found out about us...and threatened me. If I didn't break up with you something bad would happen, and I couldn't risk something happening to you." Jeongguk takes in a shaky breath, willing himself to continue.

"I never knew I could want somebody as much as this. So when someone came around threatening to harm you, I did what I needed to do to protect you. I'm so scared, Jimin. I want nothing more than to be with you, but he's getting in the way." Jimin grabs Jeongguk's hand in his own, squeezing it reassuringly.

"I understand. I'm sorry. This must have been so much worse for you than it was for me. Thank you for explaining it to me." Jeongguk nodded as a few tears fell from his eyes.

Jimin wiped them away, caressing the side of his face.

"Please don't think I didn't fight for you, Jimin. I argued for hours but he threatened you. And he threatened me. All I could do was listen please believe me, I wouldn't have done this if I didn't have to. Please believe me."

Jimin wrapped his arms around Jeongguk in a protective hug.

"I do believe you, Jeongguk. And we're going to make it through this together, okay?"

Jeongguk let out a ragged sob as he nodded into the crook of Jimin's neck.

Jimin released Jeongguk from the hug and wiped away his tears.

"Breathe. Look, I'm right here. I'm not hurt. Nothing has happened. Look at me in the eyes." Jimin placed his hands underneath Jeongguk's chin gently, pulling his face upwards to meet his own brown eyes.

"See? I'm okay. Nothing can hurt me as long as you're here. Understand?" Jeongguk nodded and leaned forward to kiss Jimin.

Their lips met perfectly as they began to move in sync with each other.

Jeongguk pulled away, breathless.

"Park Jimin."

Jimin looked into Jeongguk's big, round eyes.

"Yes, Jeon Jeongguk?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Jimin was nodding before Jeongguk even finished his question.

"Of course."

Jimin leapt forward into Jeongguk's arms, hugging him and kissing all over his face.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

The laughter of the two boys was suddenly brought to a halt as a blaring ringtone filled the room.

Jeongguk's breath hitched and his hands began to shake at the name displayed on the screen.


• • •

I just spend 15 hours in a car I feel like DEATH.

Hope you all had a wonderful day today :)

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