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A loud, slapping sound echoed through the rundown warehouse.

Taehyung's neck was still snapped to the side, a large red-turning-purple mark across his cheek. In front of him, his boss Min Yoongi stood with his hand still raised into the air.

"Why the hell is that fucking agent still alive! Your deadline was 1 week ago, and I don't tolerate failure. I will not hold back just because you are my best man." Yoongi spoke harshly. 

"Besides your incompetence to kill an agent, I need you to accompany me to an ambush. My personal contact told me that the FBI sent in a fake letter to stage an ambush against us. You will accompany me there, and help me and Jin dispose of them. It's too easy V, don't fuck it up this time." Yoongi ran his hair through his dyed mint-green hair and left, his expensive shoes making clicking noises against the marble flooring.


I scoffed as I ran my hand through my hair from anxiousness. Yoongi was right, why can't I just complete this mission already? Anyways, I need to focus on the mission I was given just now, I can't afford to fuck this one up too. 

I left the room and turned to the dark coloured alleyway that lead to the indoor car park. I spotted my black Maserati car on the right side of the parking space right next to Yoongi's Alfa Romeo silver car. The drive on the way home was not fast nor slow, just enough time to allow my thoughts to spiral to a particular person: Jeon Jeongguk.

I befriended him because I wanted more information about him, right? I only wanted to be close so that killing him would be easier than a snap. I sigh as I try to comfort my own self.

That's the reason right? Or maybe I am slowly returning his feelings- What the fuck Kim Taehyung! Pull yourself together, you have no time for those bullshit feelings. Jeon fucking Jeongguk, just what are you doing to me?

His bunny smile flashed into my head. Fuck that smile.

I couldn't help but suddenly think of the date he had called me out on. After waking up still snuggled up to him in that dingy hotel room, he had suggested we exchange phone numbers and continue to meet up. It's for information, get closer. I had agreed.

He had texted me two days later to meet up in a nearby coffee shop, he never explicitly used the word, but I knew it was a date in his eyes. I would kill myself twice before I admit it, but I wished it was an innocent date. But alas, I must kill you.


"-ung? Taehyung? You with me? You were spacing out there."

I snapped my neck up as I acknowledged him calling to me. Such an innocent soul, I wonder how many lives he had ended?

"I'm sorry Jeongguk,," my throat constricts "What were you asking me?"

He lets out such a heavenly giggle, my eye twitches as he says brightly, "you were pulling such a sour face! Do you by chance not like coffee?"

My cheeks dust a rosy colour, as I grab my cup to hide my flush expression from him.

"It's alright,, I guess.." I hesitantly lift my intense gaze that I had on my cup to look up to his face, and burst out in a genuine fit of laughter from his upper lip being smeared in whip cream. I place my coffee cup down, as I lean forward, and gently swipe away the cream before bring it to my mouth, licking it off. "Delicious~"

He flushes a deep shade of red as I look at him with a lust filled expression.

What we did in his apartment was something less than decent. But I always reminded myself, before, during, and after, that I harboured no feelings for Jeon Jeongguk, and he was just someone who would end up dead by my feet.


I swiftly opened the door to my bedroom. My eyes directly land on the hidden door located in the corner that holds all my beautiful equipment that I use to create my masterpieces.

I picked up my favorite black leather thigh strap that certainly accentuates my muscular thighs from years of training under Yoongi, before sliding my favorite knife into it's pocket. 

Strapping on the final knife onto my hidden garments, I stood up.

It was time to kill that goddamn hypnotic agent.


A loud roar of a powerful engine ripped through the streets of Seoul as Taehyung floored the pedal of his Maserati, heading back to the mafia's base. There was about half an hour till the ambush on the FBI was suppose to happen, and the only thing Taehyung could think of was ending the existence known as Jeon Jeongguk.

Taehyung smirked, "It's time to die Jeongguk~"

The engine roars once more as he sweers into a damp alleyway.

"Tik tok, the clock rings. But for the final time for you, Jeongguk, for you will drop dead. Beautifully painted in a unique shade of crimson red that flows like a river out of your neck. You shall die by midnight my dear, murdered by none other than me. Doesn't that sound fun~"

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