The Reunion

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August 25. The day dreaded by all summer lovers was here. I spent my free time reading all of my books and bathing in the warmth of the sun. Now, I was headed to a school where I would inevitably run into someone I didn't want to see. I hadn't seen him in three years, but I knew from all the rumors that he hadn't changed. The only good thing about this school was that there were no uniforms. I had on high-waisted, knee-length jean shorts, a white tank top, a red and black flannel over that, and black converse. I never wore anything too revealing, but I had worked on improving my body that summer, so I thought I looked good.

I ran downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast and my backpack on my way out the door. My mom was already in the car, waiting for me to get there. I jumped in. She didn't try to have a conversation with me because she knew I was still mad about her transferring me. We spent the extremely short car ride listening to music. When we got to school, she finally decided to say something to me.

"Good luck," she said as she put the car in park. I smiled at her and hugged her despite my grudge. Then, I took a deep breath and hopped out of the car. I was desperately trying to blend in, but my locker was jammed when I got there.

"Need some help?" a female voice asked. I turned and saw a girl about the same age as me. She was taller than me, but I was only 5'3", so many people were. I smiled politely and nodded. She walked over and hit the locker door twice before she opened it with ease. I noticed her looks for the first time when she turned around. She had tan brown skin, brown eyes, and wavy, dark brown hair, and she was wearing an aqua, V-neck T-shirt, mid-thigh, black shorts, and white converse.

"That was pretty cool," I commented with a smile on my face.

"Thanks. I pride myself on being pretty cool." She was smiling almost as much as me. I put some of my books in my locker. "Are you new?"

"Yep. Is it that obvious?" I closed my locker. She grinned and stuck out her hand.

"Lillian Adams, but most people call me Lily." I smiled and shook her hand.

"Abigail Hudson, but most people call me Abby." We walked together down the hallway, and she began introducing me to the ropes of the school.

"Obviously, this is high school, so we have cliques and such. So, over there," she pointed to the left side of the hallway, "is where the freshmen usually hang out. They form a crowd until they find their clique." She pointed to the right side of the hallway. "Band. You most likely do not want to join, even if you do play an instrument. They really don't do anything." She continued to point out groups as we walked. "Student Council, super strict. The rebels, don't walk too close to them." We rounded a bend in the hallway, and I noticed there was a large group of tall, bulky guys and super toned girls on one side. She pointed out the other side first. "JV athletes. They just act like they know what they're doing. The real pride and joy of the school is the Varsity basketball team. They hang out with the other varsity athletes over there." When she pointed to the group, I glanced quickly before ducking my head down. I knew he was in that group of people, but I really didn't want him to see me. When I looked up, there were five girls walking down the hallway like they owned the place.

"Who are they?"

"Those would be the queen bees of the school. You really don't want to mess with them. Luckily, they're graduating this year so we won't have to worry about them much longer." She steered me directly toward another group who turned and smiled when they saw us. "And these are the cool kids. Or, that's what we call ourselves." I looked at the three new faces in front of me. Lily pointed them out one by one. "Abby, this is Scarlet," straight, strawberry blonde hair with green eyes and fair skin, "Bella," wavy, dirty blonde hair with a slight tan and blue eyes, "and Karlie." Karlie had sandy-colored, curly hair with freckles, a darker skin tone, and hazel eyes. I felt their smiles like rays of sunshine. "Guys, this is Abigail Hudson." I waved. I could feel them politely studying my long, light brown hair, tan skin, and light brown eyes. I smiled.

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