The New Enemy

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After lunch, there was a whirlwind of classes. One of them was PE. All my life, I had hated PE. It was partly because I didn't see the point in it, but it was mostly because I hadn't been in shape when I was first introduced to junior high physical education. There were loads of bad memories, but I was in shape now. I was hoping I could turn over a new leaf since my last PE teacher hated me.

"Alright, let's line up!" exclaimed a tall woman with a ponytail. We all stood in a line in front of her, but I couldn't help but notice the seniors, specifically the Queen Bees, laughing at our expense. "Ah, you must be the new one." The coach walked in front of me and scrutinized my appearance.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied quietly. She smiled before turning on her heel.

"For those of you who are new or have simply forgotten, this will be your second and final year of physical education taught by me, Coach Blake. As far as my teaching practices go, I prefer to do the activity outside. I will not accept any misbehavior, and I expect you, young people, to put an effort in." As Coach Blake continued to explain the upcoming year, I was nudged by Lily. I made sure Coach wasn't looking before moving my head closer to hers.

"The head of the Queen Bees is staring at you like she wants to kill you," she whispered. I looked back over there and noticed the glare coming from a tall girl with dirty blonde hair. I was very confused, but I didn't get the chance to ask any questions. Coach blew her whistle.

"Alright, partner up! We're gonna do something simple today." I grabbed Lily's arm and smiled at her. She smiled back. Once the coach saw that everyone had a partner, she gave each group a softball to throw. We didn't have any gloves, but it wasn't that big of a deal.

"So," I started as I threw the softball, "what did I do to get so much attention from the most popular girl in school?"

"It probably has something to do with the fact that you left the cafeteria for a period of time with the guy she's been fawning over for four years," Lily said as we continued to throw the ball. I caught it and paused.

"Okay, what's her name?" Lily smiled.


"So, just to clarify, Victoria," I said pointing, "the queen bee of queen bees, doesn't like me because I talked to Jake?" Lily looked like she was about to nod when she froze. "What's wrong?" She didn't say anything, but her eyes were focused on something just behind me....

"Boo!" a voice exclaimed. I let out a small shriek and dropped the ball. I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was, laughing behind me. However, I turned anyway.

"Jacob Ryan Fletcher, what in the actual hell? You scared the crap out of me!" I whacked the laughing boy on the shoulder.

"You should've seen your face!" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

"What could you possibly want from me now?" He noticed that I was not finding any humor in this, and he sighed.

"Oh, come on, Violet! Have some fun."

"I thought I made it very clear the last time we spoke that I will not be having any fun anywhere near you." My words had a little more sting than I meant; Jake's hand flew over his heart.

"Ouch." I didn't even give him the pleasure of an eye roll. "I just came over here because I heard my name."

"We were just discussing your little girlfriend, who, by the way, has it out for me because of you." He looked shocked.

"How is it my fault?" I placed my hands on my hips.

"She doesn't like it when I talk to you. Therefore, every time you talk to me, you make me more of a target." He rolled his eyes.

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