The Orlandos

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    Mackenzie's POV
"WAKE UP YOU UNGRATEFUL BRATS!" Mrs Wincer yelled. "Yes Ma'am." We Said as we got up. Jayden looked at herself in the mirror. "I look hideous." She Said bluntly. "No you don't." I Said to her. I started singing. "These battle scars don't look like there fading, don't look like there ever going away, don't look like there ever gonna Change. They will never go away these battle scars." Jayden and I laugh as we get ready. I wear this

 I wear this

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And Jayden wears this

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And Jayden wears this

And Jayden wears this

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I put my hair up like this

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I put my hair up like this

And Jayden did hers like this

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And Jayden did hers like this

We walk downstairs and the boys are already there

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We walk downstairs and the boys are already there. "Do you know what's going on!" I whisper to Asher. "Nope, I was hoping you did." He Said laughing a little. "No laughing!" Mrs Wincers yelled. "Now, today we have guests, you will clean everything and then go to your rooms. No back talk." She says looking at me. "Who are the guests?" I ask and cover my mouth instantly. "Well, well, Well, we have a little tough one over here dont we?" She Said laughing a little. She walked over and beat me. "STOP!" Jayden yelled, but she didn't listen. Everything went black from the pain.
Jayden's POV
"STOP!" I yelled loud but she didn't care. She continued to beat Kenzie. When she stopped she slapped me. "NEVER TALK BACK!" She Said with a evil glow in her eye. I just nod my head. Tears trickle down my face as Asher picks her up and lays her on the couch. "We can't start cleaning until she wakes up." Asher said. A few seconds later Kenzie started shaking like crazy. "What's wrong with her!" I asked worried. "I don't know, This didn't happen with you!" She Said back in a panic. Kenzie suddenly stopped shaking and sat up quick screaming. Like about to die in a horror movie screaming. I've never seen one, but based on what I've heard, that's the best way to describe it. "Kenzie, kenz, it's ok, it's just us." I Said as she laid back down. She quick sat up and started walking to the bucket and sponge. She knows exactly what happened. "Jayden, can I see a mirror?" She Asked calm. "Sure kenz." I gave her my compact and she screamed. "Now I know how you felt Jayden." She said. She had a black eye and many bruises down her arms and waist. "Yea, now you get it!" I Said laughing. It made her laugh too. We started scrubbing the floors and by the time we were done cleaning the whole orphanage, it was around 5 pm. We wanted to see who the guests were so we walked by the door where all the children were lined up.
Mackenzie's POV
I stopped at the door to listen to there conversation. "Hello, my name is Mr Orlando, this is my daughter Lauren, and my son Johnny. We are here looking for about 4 kids to come and spend the holidays with us." He Said. I waved the others over and we all listened. Apparently we put too much wait on the doors and they came flying open. We all landed on the floor. "Why, Mr Orlando, I'm so sorry for the interruption. Mackenzie Ziegler, Jayden Bartels, Asher Bartels, and Conner Finnerty, get off the floor and to your rooms!" She exclaimed. "I'm sorry, you just can't find good help these days." She Said to Mr Orlando laughing. "How old are they?" He asked. "The girls are fourteen and the boys are fifteen." She Said unhappy. "Well. We will take them!" He said excited. "WHAT!" Mrs Wincer yelled. "You can have any orphans here except them. They aren't orphans, there the help!" She said offended and shocked. "I don't care, I will take them." He Said standing his ground. "Fine, Mackenzie Ziegler, Jayden Bartels, Asher Bartels, and Conner Finnerty. You've been selected." She Said reluctantly. "Really??" We all Said happy. "Yes." She spat out looking sad. "You will be living with a millionaire for the next month." She Said fast and sighing. "Kids, go pack and grab your coats." He Said. "Excuse me Mr Orlando, what's a coat?" I asked. "This is truly horrible. The poor child doesn't even know what a coat is!" He exclaimed glaring at Mrs Wincer. "We taught them in school, clearly Mackenzie doesn't listen well." She claimed. "Hey! You never taught "coats" you taught math, English, social study's, and science." I said telling the truth. "Go pack kids!" Mr Orlando Said happy. "I would like to see where you are staying if you don't mind." Mr Orlando asked me. "No I don't mind at all!" I Said in a fake happy way. "Let's go!" Jayden said in the same tone as me. Mr Orlando and his kids followed us. We led them to the end of the hallway. "So, which one of these rooms are yours?" Johnny's asked. "Oh! We don't live down here anymore. We live up there." I Said pointing to the attic door. "Come on." I Said Opening the door. I walked up the stairs and Jayden followed, along with Conner, Asher and all of the Orlando's. We walked up many more stairs and then went to walk in our room. I moved the door handle but it wouldn't budge. "Oh Jay, the door must be locked from when Mrs Wincer locked us in yesterday." I Said. "Probably, we can go this way." She said pointing to the boys room. We went in and we lifted up the board and went threw. I could tell that Mr Orlando was appalled. "Who could live in these conditions?" The girl asked in shock. "Us." Jayden and I Said at the same time. We laughed a little. We covered our mouths. "Why did you do that?" Mr Orlando asked. I couldn't lie to him, I would feel so bad if I did. "We aren't aloud to laugh." I Said in a whisper. "What? Can you speak up please." The girl said. "We aren't aloud to laugh." I Said in a more assertive way. "That's horrible!" She Said giving me a hug. "I'm Lauren by the way." She Said. "As you probably know, Mackenzie, and Jayden." I Said laughing a little. "Yeah, That witch made it quite clear." She Said laughing with us. "Hey, your ok for a rich kid." I Said to her. "Yeah, and your ok for an orphan." We all started laughing. I packed and so did Jayden. The boys came in. "Hey Jay, Kenz you ready?" Asher asked. "Yeah, Hey Asher?" I Said . "Yes Kenzie?" He replied. "Do you think they will treat us weird?" I asked him. "No way, there nice. Better than Mrs Wincer." He Said with a slight laugh. "Leggo!" I Said as I ran out the board. Me and Jayden walked down with our backpacks. "Is that all the clothes you have?" Lauren asked. "Yup. We only brought one dress. The other four are cleaning clothes. They threw the rest out when they started to make us work." I Said to her. "No worries. Daddy! Can we take them shopping?" Lauren asked Mr Orlando with Puppy dog eyes. "Yes Lauren." He said. "Yay!" She exclaimed running over to us. "We're going to go shopping soon!" She said. We all jumped up and down. "Hey, what with all the excitement?" Conner asked. "Hey Conner." Jayden said kissing him on the cheek. Lauren whispered to me. "Are they dating?" She Asked. "Yup, get used to it." I whispered back laughing a little. We both laughed. "What's so funny?" Jayden asked clueless. "Nothing Jay." I said. "Ok." She said turning back to Conner. We walked out. I'm free!

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