I was finishing up my client, ready for the weekend, I started to reflect on my life. I'm 25, with my own shop making pretty decent money (I say decent because I still have hella bills), I have great friends who have become my family (due to me being in the system growing up), and I love my god kids. I just honestly wanted something to call my own, a man, kids, family.
As I started to get that lonely sad feeling, my phone dings on the vanity in my station. I see it's my girl Cheyenne asking what I was doing when I was finished with my last client. I quickly finished the braid I was on, and picked up my phone to respond. I had plans to go home and watch movies until I fall asleep. Why? Whats up? I know she is going to want me to go out with the girls and I love all of them dont get me wrong, but they are all in relationships with brothers. Like Let me break it down I have 4 really close friends that I love and cherish so much. We have my best friend who I met my sophomore year of high school. I was really quiet and just trying to get through school when this bitch named Kayla Conner was making fun of my clothes and weight. Considering I was bigger then and was in foster care I had to take what they were giving me and it wasn't very stylish, I was just going to brush her off and go about my day when Cheyenne came out of nowhere and went off. Ever since we've been attached at the hip and her family took me in as their own. She's married to Kam, they met while we were in college and its been history.
Next is my girl Monique, we met during senior year of high school. Her parents divorced and she her mom had to move back to Texas in order so that her mom could get back on her feet. She wasn't well liked at first due to her being from Cali and having a valley girl attitude and look, but I saw how she was struggling and from that point on we have been cool. She is married to Kristus, they met through Cheyenne and they haven't slowed down. She was pretty much locked in the house from the time they met so it's hard to catch her after her man gets off work.
Last is Destiny, I met her in Cosmetology school. I introduced her to the girls and there has been no separation since. We have moved together as a unit for the past 5 years. How she met Kane is different, she rear ended Kane's new car and he went off. Then she retaliated and took a bat to his windows for calling her a bitch. Kane snatched her up and threw the bat and almost got arrested. When his brother Kameron came to pick him up so that he wouldn't go to jail, Kam showed up with Chey. Once introductions were made it was a bit rocky with them at first but eventually they grew on each other enough to get engaged.
Now Kareem I haven't seen, it's rare that I come around these days due to me travelling for business and also just avoiding the couples setting. Kareem is usually quiet and doesn't say much and I haven't seen him in about 2 years and as he put it on me last time, I don't need to see him anytime soon. I love the May's brothers but they are some domineering, demanding, and arrogant men. They never take disrespect lightly, it doesn't matter if it is the smallest matter, they WILL ACT UP no matter the place or time. Granted they are always looking out for me, as they see me as their little sister, they are always down my throat about everything. For example I drive a 2002 PT Cruiser named Sandy, now she is old and rusty but she gets me where I need to go. I don't want to create any extra bills by getting a car note and higher insurance so I keep my baby, she breaks down on me sometimes...okay a lot. They bitch me out about getting a new and safer car and have even hinted at getting me another car so they don't have to worry. So majority of the time they have the girls check on me when I'm leaving in case my car acts up on me and they need to pick me up or let me borrow one of their cars.
"Alright Shayla, you are all done girl. Do not forget to wrap that hair up at night. Now I know you don't like for me to mousse you and put you under the dryer, so I'll let you make it tonight okay?" I said to her putting everything away so I can get home and snuggle in my bed. Shayla smiled at me and said, "Girl I have to get ready for tonight so I can't wait for the drying, but here you go. No change because you always get me right girl. I'll see you next month for my touch up." We hugged and wished each other a safe weekend, as I finished cleaning up, I saw heard my phone ring. Seeing it was Cheyenne FaceTiming me I answered, "Hey Chey, whats up lil baby?" She smiled into the phone with Kameron in the background looking all uninterested.

Get You
RomanceMila James is a 26 year old beauty shop owner who is so focused on growing her business. While she is gaining more notoriety for her work through word of mouth and social media, she is also lacking in the romance department. She is genuinely happy j...