A Glimpse

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It was going on two AM when I woke with a start, my babies wanted McDonalds fries, a mcdouble, with some nuggets and they wanted them hoes bad as hell. Kareem still wasn't in bed but he texted me at ten to let me know he would be in late since he was handling some plans with his brothers and dad. I didn't think he would be out this late but a bitch was hungry and craving. I struggled out the bed and threw on some sweats with the shirt I already had on. I looked for the keys but forgot Kareem had them, I went to the wall to see what keys were there because I was getting this food tonight. I found the keys to King's other car, the newest model of the dodge Charger. I grabbed my purse and went to the garage to dip.

I had made it back from the uneventful ride with my food and some extra, I was walking into the house with my food ready to smash. I didn't want to disturb anybody so I kept the lights off and enjoyed my food, I had just finished with my mcdouble when I noticed I didn't get my BBQ sauce for my nuggets. I had my mcflurry in my hand going to the fridge to get some BBQ when I felt something cold pressed again my head. I went stock still, because I had a good idea what it was. I wasn't letting go of my mcflurry tho.

The lights flipped on and the gun was snatched away from my head, "Bro what the fuck are you doing awake! I almost pistol whipped your ass." I turned around to see all the Mays' men with one arm behind they're back. Kareem stepped forward and pushed Kaine back from me. He gave me a kiss and took my hand.

"We thought you were some intruder baby, what are you doing up? Please tell me you didn't go out this late alone?" His irritation was building as he was talking because I was too busy looking behind his back trying to see what type of gun these niggas were carrying. He grabbed my face back and made me look him in the eyes. "Answer me, please."

I rolled my eyes, "YOUR kids got a craving for some Mcdonalds and who am I to deny our sweet children, so yes I went out this late and got myself some food. Now that you've ruined my appetite with a gun I am going to bed." The last part was all lies because I was going snooping when he let me out of his hold.

He let out a breath and said, "Please if you feel like you need something wake me up or something so I can take you. Being out that late and no one knowing is dangerous okay?" I nodded and took a bite of my mcflurry. I backed out of his hold and threw my trash away.

I turned to them all and said, "I will be going to bed now, goodnight." I guess I was acting suspicious because Kareem turned to the others and said, "I'm going to go ahead and call it a night too, clean up for me okay." He grabbed my hand and started leading me to the stairs, I stayed in the same spot and said, "Babe you can go help them clean up, I think I can make it up stairs by myself." He smiled at me and pulled me closer to him.

"Ya nosey ass is going to bed. You had your snack now it's time for mine so lets go." That right there was what got me how I am today. I let him drag my big behind up those stairs and gave this man his snack.


It had been a week since the whole week since the engagement and Ms. Sonia telling me all about their past. Now I know I shouldn't be feeling this way, but the thought of my man being thuggish turned me on. I was getting a bit annoyed that he didn't really want me going anywhere by myself until "this is nigga is handled" but damn the clinginess has gotten so much worse. All he literally does is be up under me. Since I've got this belly now all Chance wants is to lay on me as well. Between the two of them I barely get to shit in peace. This is belly is getting heavier and all the changes I'm going though are making me hella uncomfortable. Pregnancy is hard as hell and I have 4 months to go.

I haven't received any texts from Kendell at all so that was nice but I'm curious, what did Kareem and his family do and why do I feel like this is just beginning something. I shook off the eerie feeling when I heard the front door shut I went to get in the closet to his from Kareem because I just wanted some me time or to hang out with my girls. Kareem and Chance are some major blockers to anything outside of this house. I heard Sonia's voice yell, "Getcha ass down here!" When I heard that I waddled out the closet fast as hell because I knew she was coming to save me.

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