The start - Chapter 1

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Today was a normal day at the hospital aside from the part that I collapsed on the hospital yesterday. I really don't know why and I really think and think but I just get nowhere. When I wake up I see oba sama with a worried face looking at me. Everyone was around the bed seeing me. I get myself into a sitting position in the bed. Oba sama starts telling me that she's really sorry for making me take care of all the family while they were sick 🤒 I felt so bad and told her not to worry cause it really wasn't her fault. I love helping in whatever I can, especially since I'm not good at some things. Plus it made me feel very happy and useful to help everyone while they were sick. I told her that after some medicine everything would be fine, so I start looking in the cabinet for the medicine and after looking around for a couple seconds I found it. As I am opening the bottle to take the pills Irie-kun suddenly comes in and tells me not to take them. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I had never seen Irie acting this way. Getting out of my thoughts I tell him that I'm really fine even thought I collapsed, but he interrupted me and asked when was my last period. I got really nervous because he was asking that private question in front of the whole family!!!! We were all feeling a little awkward after that kind of question. When I started to tell him why he's asking me that , that's when the real thing comes in.

Irie-kun: kotoko, I ... think you're pregnant

Wow... THAT was definitely not what I was expecting. Suddenly everyone get crazy. They are all in the same state of shock with me.

Kotoko: What????
Irie-kun: I am was not sure but know I think there's a 80% of me that seriously thinks you're pregnant.
Kotoko: you really think so ?😶😯
Irie-kun: If I didn't then I wouldn't be saying so right ?
Kotoko: right !!
Irie-kun: get your things we are going to the hospital right now to check. We need to be sure that it's not like last time.
Kotoko: Hai!!

Everyone gets out of the room except Irie-kun. He's standing there just staring at me...  wonder what's going through his mind right now. I get some clothes and start to get changed. After that we started walking and then we went to the hospital. During the ride I was really nervous , I didn't want it to be a false alarm again. 😖😞 Then Irie-kun saw my face and asked me what was wrong. I told him everything I had in my mind and he told me to take deep breaths and to take the information in slowly. He said I shouldn't think so much about other people's opinion , but I would still get sad if my family was sad if it was another false alarm. I really want this to be real. I wanna start a family with Irie. We got to the hospital and we just waited ten minutes until they called my name. Irie was trying to act calm but i could see that he was just as nervous as me about what the results would be. He may be 80% sure but that doesn't really calm down any nerves. At least not until we get the actual results.

Nurse 👩🏻‍⚕️: Mrs. Irie please come in the doctor is waiting for you. Everything is ready for you.

I let go of Irie-kun's hand with much reluctance and enter the doctor's office.

Minutes later...

Irie-kun's point of view:

After kotoko entered the doctor's office I couldn't help but be really nervous even though I knew that she was probably pregnant. After what felt like the longest hour in my life, the nurse called me.

Nurse 👩🏻‍⚕️: I'm sorry Mr. Irie

I stood there in shock. I just couldn't believe my intuition was wrong. I mean I am human so of course I can commit mistakes but I'm sacred that my mistake might Kotoko a lot. I would never want to be the cause of her suffering. I got worried for kotoko because she most be the person that is suffering more than anyone since she was the one who got the news. Kotoko suddenly gets out with a really sad face and it just pains my heart.

Irie-kun: it's okay , maybe it's still not meant to be.
Kotoko: Irie-kun ...
Irie-kun: yes ?
Kotoko: I am pregnant !!!!! I am one month pregnant !!!
Irie-kun: KOTOKO !!!! Don't ever do that to me 😠
Kotoko: Irie-kun you are going to be a father 😘😘!!!
Irie-kun: okay calm down you're still in a hospital
Kotoko: right Jajajaja 😆sorry

Kotoko's point of view:

After that we went directly back home and told everyone the news. They were all really excited. I can't wait for my tummy to start growing already !!!! I've always dreamed of this and I can't believe that I'm finally gonna live it.

That night me and Irie-kun were talking about the baby 🍼 and I talked about that  he shouldn't cheat on me just because I don't look that attractive. Suddenly he grabbed me and told me something that left me with astonishment.

Irie-kun: I think that if you look attractive without a tummy , with a tummy you will look way more attractive, my dear wife 😏
Kotoko: Irie-kun 😯☺️!!!
Irie-kun: but really only I can touch that tummy , you heard me 😉 because that's my baby
Kotoko: Irie-kun!!! I'll let anyone touch it because what if they wanna fell the baby moving huh?!!!
Irie-kun: 😂okay, okay but hurry up and get some sleep. Now you need to take care of not just you but also a little baby.

When Irie-kun said that I started drifting off to sleep. Meaning that what he had said before was the last thing I heard after such a beautiful and tiring day😴 I just can't wait to tell everyone at work the news jajaja 😆 They are probably gonna be so thrilled to get to know about this baby. I can't wait until my friends also start having babies so that mine doesn't grow up with such a big age difference from them. Not even I can contain this excitement that I feel inside. There's not gonna be anything better than sharing the news about my bundle of life with everyone that I hold dear to my heart.

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