Is it ? - Chapter 22

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As I got home, I came out of the car and put the keys in the door so that it could open. I did fast so that if oba-sama came out to the car or anything she didn't see me. After I got in I closed the door. I couldn't think straight. I was still in shock from what I've been told at the hospital. I am... pregnant. It was so amazing! Irie-kun and I wanted another baby and now we are going to have one!

After feeling so happy I remembered that Irie-kun doesn't even know I left the hospital. Plus I took the car... I'll just have to go back right before he goes out to act like I just got out of work. Suddenly a thought came to mind. What if I instead of tell him I'm pregnant in a really cute way?! I've always wanted to do that but I couldn't cause last time Irie-kun knew before I did. And Kotomi!!! What is she gonna think ?! I'm so nervous to tell them... ! I know exactly how to tell them! But... obviously I'll need oba-sama's help. I guess she'll be the first to know aside from me!

I went out of the house and started walking toward iba-sama's house. I then knocked and immediately I got received with a hug from oba-sama. We literally saw her yesterday for dinner but I guess she really misses the company! After she let me in, I sat on the couch. I started taking because it wasn't normal that at this time of the day I wouldn't be at work unless it was my free day but she knows it not because when she asked yesterday I told her no.

Well oba-sama... I have to tell you something but you need to keep it a secret from everyone until I tell Irie-kun and Kotomi! - I said

Obviously darling! So! What is the secret ?! - Oba-sama

I'm... pregnant! I'm two months along!!

*Oba-sama with the mouth open in shock*

Well...what do you think?!

KOTOKO!!!! YAYYYYYYYY ! Do you know how long I've been waiting for news that you and Irie-kun were having another baby ?! At this point I thought you didn't want more children!

WHAT ?! Nooo! We obviously want more children but I don't know why we never really talked about trying for another one JAJAJAJAJA

I can't believe I'm having another granddaughter or a grandson! I'm so excited for you and Irie-kun!

Yeah me too! I'm so excited to prepare how I'm going to tell him!

What do you have in mind?!

Well I planned of leaving him some little notes saying go here and then here... something like that and then at the end I planned on having a cord hanging over our bed saying something that you'll know when I show you a picture! JAJAJAJJA

Really?! JAJAJAJAJA I guess I'll have to wait but I can't still help you with the notes!

Haiiii! Please do! I need to go to the store and buy something but when I come back I'll help you!

Ok!! I'll start!


I went back home, got my wallet, car keys and got in the car. I drove to a mall that was five minutes from out the house. We usually go there so I know for sure there is a clothing store for babies because that's where I buy Kotomi some of her clothes.

When I arrived at the store I quickly looked over the newborn section. I found so many cute onesies!! I choose one that said "Hello World. I'm new here" I just found it so darn cute! I payed and then went back to oba-sama's house. When I arrived I looked at the time and realized that Irie-kun was going to be out in two hours. I'll have to pick Kotomi on my way to pick up Irie-kun at Yuki's office because he wanted to take her to his work after she got out of school. So oba-sama gave me the little notes she wrote and then I went home.

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