The fight... - Chapter 12

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Well today I woke up super energized! When I woke up Irie-kun was already having breakfast , since Kotomi was asleep I went downstairs to say goodbye to Irie-kun and to tell him that my friends were coming for dinner tonight. When I saw him I told him about the dinner and told him that he could invite some friends of his too, but that he should tell me how many so I could now how much food we'll need to buy. He told me he will tell me at noon, after that we kissed , he also went upstairs to kiss Kotomi and after that he left for work. Kotomi woke up so I went to the room to get her and then Yuki and Konomi said they could watched her while I checked what ingredients we were gonna need for tonight. I just love how everyone loves spending time with Kotomi🥺😍! So , I was in the kitchen with Oba -sama and we did a list of things I was gonna buy at the supermarket since Oba-sama was cooking🙌🏽 After an hour or two I went to get Kotomi in Yuki's room so I could take her to the supermarket with me but Yuki and Konomi wanted to keep playing with her so I went to the supermarket with dad since he's a chef 😂 and knows which brands are better. We got everything in like 1 hour and a half , we paid and got back home. While Oba-sana started cooking Irie-kun called me to say who he was inviting.

Irie-kun *over the phone* : Hey Kotoko , I'm just gonna invite Funatsu and Amelia. I don't really wanna bring a lot of people.

Kotoko: Amelia ?! Why her ?!

Irie-kun: Kotoko I get that you don't like her but I work with her and she always tells me how people do things and don't invite her so I felt bad.

Kotoko * saying to herself in her mind * you never felt bad about me being left out 🙄

Irie-kun: Hello ... you still there ??

Kotoko: Uh?? Oh... yeah , well fine I guess you can invite her 😑

Irie-kun: Ok , well I'll see you later. Bye

Kotoko: Bye Irie-kunnnn💞

I don't want Amelia at my house or at the dinner but I guess I'll have to control myself 😑 Later in the night my friends started arriving and I just couldn't help notice that Marina and Funatsu were coming to the door all lovey-dovey😍 I still remember all the🤣 Everybody we invited came to the dinner and they were all in love with Kotomi! Even Amelia ... which kind of made me a little less mad about her coming here. We all ate dinner and talked about how everybody's life were doing , how was work and stories about when we were younger and when we first met. In between the talks I went upstairs and put Kotomi to sleep, then I went back downstairs to the table where everyone was still talking. After a while I stood up and said:

Kotoko: Excuse me everyone!!😁😁 I have some news 😍

*Everyone very curious except my friends from the hospital because I already told them the news*

Kotoko: I go back to work on Monday😍! The doctor already gave me permission to go back to work!

Motoki: Yesss Kotoko !


Satomi: That's great Kotoko!

Jinko: 😍

Kinnosuke: Congratulations!!

and many more reactions were like that , except for Amelia that she was just with a plain face and Irie-kun seemed kind of mad ...??🤨 That's weird ! I thought he would be so happy for me... well I guess we'll talk when everybody leaves. After I told the news everyone kept talking again and an hour later everyone was gone except for Kinnosuke and Christine since they were gonna stay until tomorrow night because they are gonna spend the day with me and Kotomi🥰 since they are having a baby soon and want to spend a lot of time knowing how it will be. Irie-kun went to our room and I went to show Kinnosuke and Christine were they could sleep , which was in an extra room next to my and Irie-kun's room in case they needed something. Before I left , Christine said that she would take a bath and change and come get me so we could talk more and eat a soup which she knows it's my favorite🤤 so I said that I will take a bath , get ready and wait for her. I went back to my room ,  got my clothes and took a shower. When I came out Irie-kun was reading something and since I was waiting for Christine I sat down next to him when suddenly he said:

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