Chapter 12 - Sports Festival Arc Part 3

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We were preparing for the next test.

"A cavalry battle! Those of you in the top will suffer the most."

I tilted my head confused and a bit worried about what she meant by that. "Show us what plus ultra means!"

Midnight pointed towards midoriya with her whip like weapon thing and then everyone turned towards him. "Izuku Midoriya placed first he will be worth 10 million!" she yelled and ever started to glare at him.

It's hard being at the top i guess, The game will last 15 minutes, that was explained. We have indivisual point values and you gotta steal everyone else's headbands, We get to pick our own teams!

You cant make a team fall on purpose though. I saw bakugo look a little pissed when she said that.. What a dweeb wanting to make a team fall thats just cruel! But the punishment would be a slap from midnight? I could think of worse punishments.

We have 15 minutes to make a team of 3 or 4 i had a few people come up and ask me such as Bakugo surprisingly, I denied his offer "Tsk.. I didn't need you anyways loser!"
I was going to team up with Todoroki but he had a full team, I sighed and than this guy tapped my shoulders he was supposedly from the support group.

"Hey lets team up" He said, He was wearing a jetpack and some boots like what midoriya's team had. "What quirk do you got?" I asked him smiling.
I noticed he had black hair with unusual silver eyes. "I can make the ground grow or decrease into a hole.. Basically i can manipulate any material i want"

That sounds so awesome! "That'd be perfect for making good gadgets huh?" He laughed nervously and put his hands behind his head stretching. "So what do you say hot stuff?" I blushed and looked down. "Uhm.. Please don't call me that..."

"Oh! I'm sorry!" He said with panic in his voice.

"Sure but first, Whats your name?"

"I'm Kaleb Hall" Kaleb hall.. I've never heard of his name before and i'm pretty up to date with the U.A Support class since my dad would ask me to go there every now and then to get some gadgets commissioned for him.

"You should be the rider" He said to me and i nodded in agreement. Todoroki's team walked over to us. "Wow your teaming with someone outside of our class?" Kaminari asked me.

"Well i don't see many people i could work with that aren't already apart of a team" I replied back.

Todoroki asked to talk to Kaleb and they went off to the side to have a chat, I was worried at first but they came back and Kaleb had his arm around Todoroki's shoulders as if they were great friends already.

"We can go as a team of two! We need to sort up a plan"

Kaleb had some gadgets i could use.. There was a lot of cool stuff but i stuck with a jet pack and some boots that helped with that

"Alright everyone lets begin!" We all got ready to begin and i sat on Kalebs shoulders.. He was pretty strong to be able to hold me. We had one thousand points on our belts so our plan was similar to Midoriya's we were on the defensive.

"GO!" Midnight let us off

Everyone started to chase after midoriya a few people coming after us, one team started charging at us and we spotted two more coming from behind us,
"Lift the ground!"
I told him and the ground underneath us started to lift up. He couldn't have the ground lifted forever so after 2 minutes we started to go down,

Kaleb has incredible speed and strength.. Yet he's a support class student and i wondered why he chose that when he could've easily been a hero. "I'm going to jump over them! i trust you to catch me"

He nodded, I stood up on his shoulders and jumped over all 3 of the teams that were after us, Kaleb Used his gadget to help speed up, He caught me and i climbed back onto his shoulders, We started running again.. I saw Midoriya being cornered by Todoroki's team.. The match was nearly over and we had avoided everyone that run up to us.

Lida used some sort of super charge and took the 10 million points.. A few minutes later the match ended and we had stayed in second place with 1 thousand points. I jumped off of Kaleb's shoulders and jumped to the ground landing elegantly and perfectly, Kaleb pulled me into a hug. "Hugging...Me...Too...Tight"

He released from the hug he pulled me in and laughed nervously, He laughs a lot.. Like A lot.
Todoroki came over to us "You guys did good for a team of two"

"Thanks Shoto!" I said giving a high five.

Kaleb started heading off to his other support class friends.

I was around a corner watching Todoroki and Midoriya at the faculty and student entrance I looked over to see Bakugo was also watching.. He growled at me and i stuck my tongue out refusing to leave just cause he was there.
I got bored listening in on them so i put my hands in my pocket and started to walk away and then i heard. "Are you all might's secret love child or some thing" I started to laugh quietly and i started to leave before he could hear me laughing. . .

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