Chapter 15 - Going over the forms!

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I was going over the forms... Hmm Jeanist's? Maybe... Eh never mind i don't think i want to go to his agency... I sighed looking upon Endeavors agency.. Why did he want me to join him i wonder?

I looked over the list more thoroughly... Dad? Damn it of course!

I furiously scribbled out my dads name as a sign of 'im not going to HIS agency ever'

I decided to go visit Todoroki.. I knocked on the door to be greeted by one of his sisters and when she lead me to him... He was leaving. "Where are you going?" I asked him... and his sister nodded.

"The hospital"

He replied coldy

"What! Hold on why" His sister asked him curiously and looked a bit surprised about the fact he was suddenly wanting to go to the hospital. He got his shoes on, "You can't just visit! Not without telling dad right." I tilted my head curiously.


I looked down at the ground uncomfortably.. "I.. Came at a bad time.. I'll get out of your way now" I said hinting sadness in my voice. "(F/n) Why don't you come with me?"

I looked up at him worried, I didn't want to bother him at this moment though. "Are you sure thats ok?"

He looked at me and smiled "Yeah of course" He said before grabbing my arm and pulling me close to him. "I'll be back" He said to his sister.

We started walking off to the hospital, Todoroki had his hand holding mine us still walking close together. We were walking off to the hospital and had a chat along the way.

"Are you sure.. And who are you seeing if you don't mind me asking?"

Still worried about the whole thing he stopped and turned to look me in the eye. "Your worrying too much, I'm going to visit my mum"

I looked down and we continued to make our way to the conversation having small talk along the way. He had told me how he got his burn and i wasn't sure if his mum would be ok with me coming along with too... But i trusted Todoroki's word. Once we had reached the hospital we paused for a moment before walking in asking what room she was in.

We made our way to room 315 and stood outside. "I'll wait outside" I said but he took my hand and pulled me inside with him. She was beautiful and sitting on a chair looking outside the window with the sun shining on her face.

"Hello mum" Todoroki said to her and she looked back with a shocked expression on her face, I stood there uncomfortably. Her mum turned around to look at him more. I started backing to leave the room, Todoroki looked at me and he was about to grab my arm again before i said,

"Todoroki you need to talk to her alone.. Without me by your side.. I'm sorry but it's whats right for you" I said smiling lightly before he actually let me go outside, I waited outside for him to come back out, I sat down on a chair outside the door.

5 minutes had passed and i saw a familiar person coming out of the elevator. "Oh hey Kaleb what are you doing here?" I said while i saw him look at the sign on the door that said Ms. Todoroki.
"Well my dad works here so i sometimes come and visit him at work"

Oh, I nodded at him and he sat down next to me. "So you totally rekt me in the tournaments"

"Serves you right for calling me hottie and darling..." I pouted at him folding my arms.. He laughed and put his hand on mine, I pulled away. "Huh?" He said, I looked at him.

"I'm sorry i'm not one to just let people i don't really know.. Touch me" I said looking away, i was just a tad flustered by his sudden movement.

"Well then i guess i'll have to get to know you" He said excitedly...

Todoroki came out and i got up immediately and ran next to him, "Is everything okay Todoroki?" I asked curiously, He diverted his attention to Kaleb who was now standing behind me.

"Yeah, Why is he here?" He asked.

"Oh sorry, I just thought to keep her company.. I'm here to visit my dad he's a doctor here"

"Oh cool" Todoroki said grabbing my hand and we started leaving. He walked me off back to my house and my dad was waiting out the front with his arms folded.
"Where were you" My dad said then glaring at Todoroki as he only just noticed him.

"She was with me sir..." Todoroki replied for me my dad scowling, I turned around to Todoroki. "Thanks for walking me back Todoroki"

"No problem, See ya at school"

I waved to him and went inside to my room for the rest of the day...

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