Im In so much pain!

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Do you ever feel like there is so much stuff you want to get off your chest.. But you just can't seem to say anything.. It hurts to talk about anything.. I want to talk to someone but I have no clue what to even say..

I'm in so much pain.. I tried to reach out to you..  And you brushed it off your shoulder saying I was fine... I am fine..

I yelled at everything and at everyone.. I was so angry that I was fine. .

You're fine

I didn't curl up into ball trying so hard to disappear I cried my eyes out..

My hands shake.. The heavy feeling in my chest grows... I want so badly to talk to someone.. But every time I try..  I press the backspace. Or delete the messages.

Nobody cares.
Why do you even open your mouth?

I wasn't up most of the night cutting away the built up pain from the day..  Preparing myself for the following day.

Why even bother with hope... It's constantly torn from me. . I'm just so tired..  I don't even care about anything anymore..

Another Day Another Pain .3(Growing up Series)Where stories live. Discover now